Questions and Suggestions
I love your plugin; thanks for making it. I have some ideas and suggestions to share with you as a thank-you for your work.
1. Add an option to add MathML, SVG, and other markup-tags to the “extended_valid_elements”. I wrote the below code that I use in a “mu-plugin” I made.
function mce4_options($opt){ $opt['extended_valid_elements'] = 'math[class|id|xmlns|altimg|alttext|display|overflow],semantics[encoding|definitionURL],annotation[encoding|definitionURL|cd|name|src],annotation-xml[cd|name|encoding|definitionURL|src],merror,mtext,mspace,mover[accent|align],munder,munderover,mstack,mrow[dir],msrow,mfenced[open|close|separators],menclose[notation],mphantom,msup,msub,msubsup,mmultiscripts,mi,mn,mo[fence],ms,mtable,mtr,mtd,mlabeledtr,mfrac[linethickness|bevelled|numalign|denomalign],mfraction,msline,msqrt,mroot,mscarries,mscarry,oma,oms,omi,omv'; return $opt; }
2. Add option to set the schema, such as – “$opt[‘schema’] = ‘html5-strict’;”
3. Add an option to make the editor stop replacing “code” tags with back-ticks.
4. Add an option to make the editor stop putting br-tags in MathML’s “math” tag and MathML’s other tags.
5. Add a variety of other options, such as disabling drag-and-drop-upload ($opt[‘drag_drop_upload’] = false;), specifically setting allowed font-sizes, disabling the statusbar, and more.
As for my questions –
1. If I made a TinyMCE plugin/button/tool, how could I submit it to you for possible inclusion with “TinyMCE Advanced”?
2. How can I submit code additions/changes for “TinyMCE Advanced” like developers do on GitHub?
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