Hi Daniel, thanks for the clarifications. Our replies are inline :
1. If I’m using the Single Product Multiple Vendors options, and multiple vendors have the same product, is it possible to change the vendor on an order that is processing already?
>> If an order is already created and has the status processing, the system will lock that vendor of the product ( who is previously assigned ) for commission and only he/she will receive order related emails and notification. Now, if you change the vendor name, it will not reflect on the current order, as all the data are set at the time of creation of the order.
2. If I’m using the Single Product Multiple Vendors option, and multiple vendors have the same product, is it possible for the Vendors to assign themselves the order? So vendors can choose who wants to deliver it? Obviously, the faster vendor would get the order.
>> I am afraid, the order can manually be created by the admin only and he/she can assign the vendor for that product. The vendor can only see that they have received an order and will process accordingly.
3. Is it possible to list all orders on the frontend where vendors can see it? So the vendors see all orders not just their own orders? I was only able to list orders that that particular vendor had. Not the orders of other vendors.
>> Again, the vendor can only see their part of the order only, that’s the default flow.
However, if you want to display all other vendor’s order also, you have to do a bit of custom coding and enable the same feature using hooks and filter of WooCommerce and WC Marketplace.
Let us know if you have any further query.