Not the way you are asking, but there are ways to display all thumbnails for a single album. See the documentation. If you set per_page=500
there, and set more='Show More'
, it will show you a button to fetch the additional photos if you have more than 500 photos in the album.
What you have are two scenarios that Photonic can handle individually, but not the combination the way you are asking:
- It can display all your albums as thumbnails, and you can click on the album thumbnails to see individual photos, however you cannot get more than 500 photos this way in your overlaid popup (and the “Show More” capability is not available on the overlaid popup) – it is possible to get the entire volume with Picasa, or SmugMug in one shot, but Flickr doesn’t let you fetch more than 500 in one shot.
- It can display all the thumbnails in an album individually (via the “Show More” feature if there are count limitations), but it can do so only if you are displaying photos for an album directly on your page (not in an overlaid popup)