had the same problem. I fixed it for me locally and would really appreciate if you included it into your code.
hooks.php (add it)
* Add a custom input field to the quick edit menu
function secondary_title_quick_edit_custom_box($column_name, $post_type){
// return early for all columns not owned by us
if( $column_name !== 'secondary_title')
// quite the same like secondary_title_overview_quick_edit() but class name differs
echo '<label class="my-secondary-title-quick-edit-label">';
echo '<span class="title">' . __("Sec. title", "secondary_title") . '</span>';
// no value here (will be inserted on click on a.editinline)
echo '<span class="input-text-wrap"><input type="text" name="secondary_title" value="" /></span>';
echo "</label>";
add_action('quick_edit_custom_box', 'secondary_title_quick_edit_custom_box', 10, 2);
admin.js (modify)
* Add the "Sec. title" input field to the quick edit.
jQuery('tr#inline-edit td .inline-edit-col-left > .inline-edit-col > label').eq(0).after(jQuery('.my-secondary-title-quick-edit-label'));
* Scripts executed on post overview page.
if(jQuery(".edit-php").length > 0) {
function() {
var postId = jQuery(this).parents("tr").attr("id").replace("post-", "");
// var secondaryTitle = jQuery(".my-secondary-title-quick-edit-label").clone();
function() {
// jQuery("#edit-" + postId).find(".inline-edit-col label:first").after(secondaryTitle).show();
jQuery("#edit-" + postId).find(".my-secondary-title-quick-edit-label input").val(
jQuery('#post-' + postId).find('.secondary_title').text()
}, 50