Ahhhh, just came here to report the same thing… Good to know, I’ll advise users to disable the button for now ??
But there are some strange things though… For one, I get this issue only in Chrome but not FireFox or Opera. And in Chrome every page in the admin trows this error
Uncaught TypeError: Illegal invocation - cb=gapi.loaded_0:202
I.g.H - cb=gapi.loaded_0:202
sgc_renderplusonepreview - index.php:53
(anonymous function) - index.php:57
l - jquery.min.js:2
c.fireWith - jquery.min.js:2
v.extend.ready - jquery.min.js:2
A - jquery.min.js:2
except one page: Settings > Simple Google Connect !
The Simple Google Connect admin page does include the usual
<script type="text/javascript">
function sgc_renderplusonepreview() {
var params = [];
params['size'] = jQuery('input:radio[name="sgc_options[plusone_layout]"]:checked').val();
params['annotation'] = jQuery('input:radio[name="sgc_options[plusone_annotation]"]:checked').val();
params['href'] = "http:\/\/domainedeschenes.status301.net\/";
gapi.plusone.render('plusonepreview', params);
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
but still the error is gone and the menu drop-downs and other stuff is working again.