• Hi there Jose,

    First of all thanks for making such a great plugin. This looks like exactly what I need.

    So, I am using “Announcer” plugin to show notifications to logged in users. I am also using “WP-Optimize” plugin for caching pages. “Announcer” plugin allows me to show dynamic content (current user role) to logged in users based on WooCommerce purchase. However, when the page gets cached, notification bar gets cached as well at the same time so the user role in the notification bar remains unchanged, regardless of WooCommerce purchase.

    As far as I understand, “Content No Cache” plugin excludes specific elements from the cache by wrapping dynamic content into CNC shortcode. After pasting my shortcode for dynamic content [xyz-ips snippet=”User-Role”] to CNC shortcode, dynamic content wasn’t recognized in the notification bar and there is an infinite spinning wheel in the notification bar instead of user role.

    Here is the screenshot of “Announcer” without “Content No Cache plugin” to get better idea what I am talking about: https://snipboard.io/tSQsmw.jpg

    Here is also the screenshot of “Announcer” plugin with “Content No Cache plugin”: https://snipboard.io/nPCBSJ.jpg

    Do you have any idea what could be wrong here? Thanks a bunch for your help!

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  • Hey @ibro87,

    We were in the process of putting together a potential solution for you, but noticed you found one already.

    Can you confirm? If so, can you close this topic as “Resolved”? If not, can you share your website so we can examine it for a possible solution?

    Thank you.

    Note: We’re not related to this plugin, simply providing “goodwill” support.

    Thread Starter ibro87


    Hey @generosus,

    Thank you so much for following up and your willingness to help. I’ve found a workaround for the notification bar thanks to the WP-Optimize support but so far I got zero support from the plugin author.

    I’m now trying to prevent caching of another shortcode from Better Messages plugin but I’m still experiencing exact the same issue. There suppose to be non-cached message box on the page but “CNC” plugin can output nothing but an infinite spinning circle (see here: https://snipboard.io/a8KsPZ.jpg ).

    I have deactivated “CNC” plugin for now since I have no use of it. However, if you have any clue or solution how to make this plugin work, I’d be more than happy to hear that. Thanks again for your willingness to help and sorry for the late reply. ??

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