Quiz issue
I created a quiz for a lesson using course builder but when I try to open the quiz I get redirected to the page that says Page is not found…
Here;s a link to my quiz:
https://www.serhiishevchenko.com/quiz/urok-7-otzyv-o-kurse-voprosy-rekomendatsii-quiz/So can you tell me please how can I create a quiz that works?
The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]
Sometimes when upgrading and installing new plugins / themes WordPress permalinks get out of sync and that can cause 404s like what you’re reporting.
Could you try flushing your permalinks by following this guide: https://lifterlms.com/docs/how-to-flush-wordpress-rewrite-rules-or-permalinks/
After doing that you should be able to access the quiz without issue.
Hope that helps,
Just tried to do that, didn’t help.
Also when I run course builder sometimes I get this kind of permalink to quiz:
https://www.serhiishevchenko.com/?post_type=llms_quiz&p=2372So what else can you recommend?
That kind of link is the *preview* link when the quiz is in draft mode. Quizzes are created as DRAFTS by default and can be toggled to “Published” by clicking the green toggle near the title field for the quiz.
When a quiz is in DRAFT mode it will only be accessible by instructors (or admins) who can edit the quiz, once published, students will be able to access it as well.
I’m wondering if the issue here is that you’re trying to view your quizzes as a student before the quiz has been published. By default WordPress will present 404s for any posts in draft mode that are accessed by users without edit rights. You’ll see this happen for a blog post in draft mode if you try to access it when logged out.
Does that maybe explain what’s going on here?
That explains but doesn’t fix the problem.
I have quiz published and I tried to access it as an admin and as a student and both ways I get error 404.
So maybe Course Builder just can’t publish my quizes or save changes somehow? Or maybe autosave creates some issues?
This reply was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by
Can you post a copy of your LifterLMS System report please: https://lifterlms.com/docs/how-to-use-the-lifterlms-system-report/
So maybe Course Builder just can’t publish my quizes or save changes somehow? Or maybe autosave creates some issues?
I doubt it.
Are you seeing error messages during saves?
After publishing if you refresh the screen does it still show as published?
Why would autosaving cause an issue here?
Are you seeing error messages during saves?
After publishing if you refresh the screen does it still show as published?
Why would autosaving cause an issue
I don’t know but sometimes I see that when I make some changes then “Save changes” button remains the same as if I didn’t make any changes or smth like that.
copy of your LifterLMS System report
Yeah sure, hear it is:
——————————————-Home Url: https://www.serhiishevchenko.com
Site Url: https://www.serhiishevchenko.com
Version: 4.9.5
Debug Mode: No
Locale: ru_RU
Multisite: No
Page For Posts: Блог (#259)
Page On Front: home alternative (#487)
Permalink Structure: /%category%/%postname%/
Show On Front: page
Wp Cron: YesSettings
——————————————-Version: 3.17.1
Db Version: 3.17.1
Course Catalog: LMS Courses (#807)
Course Catalog Per Page: 6
Course Catalog Sorting: menu_order,ASC
Membership Catalog: LMS MEN Membership (#787)
Membership Catalog Per Page: 3
Membership Catalog Sorting: menu_order,ASC
Site Membership: Not Set
Student Dashboard: Membership area (#385)
Courses Endpoint: my-courses
Edit Endpoint: edit-account
Lost Password Endpoint: lost-password
Vouchers Endpoint: redeem-voucher
Autogenerate Username: yes
Password Strength Meter: no
Minimum Password Strength: weak
Terms Required: yes
Terms Page: Условия публичной оферты (#642)
Checkout Names: optional
Checkout Address: hidden
Checkout Phone: required
Checkout Email Confirmation: no
Open Registration: no
Registration Names: optional
Registration Address: required
Registration Phone: optional
Registration Voucher: hidden
Registration Email Confirmation: no
Account Names: optional
Account Address: optional
Account Phone: optional
Account Email Confirmation: no
Checkout Page: LifterLMS Checkout (#1544)
Confirmation Endpoint: confirm-payment
Force Ssl Checkout: yes
Country: UA
Currency: USD
Currency Position: left
Thousand Separator: ,
Decimal Separator: .
Decimals: 2
Trim Zero Decimals: no
Recurring Payments: yes
Email From Address: [email protected]
Email From Name: Сергей Шевченко
Email Footer Text: Любые возникающие вопросы пишите на почту: [email protected]
Email Header Image:
Cert Bg Width: 800
Cert Bg Height: 616
Cert Legacy Compat: noGateways
——————————————-Manual: Enabled
Manual Logging: no
Manual Order: 1Server
——————————————-Mysql Version: 5.7.16
Php Curl: Yes
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Php Fsockopen: Yes
Php Max Input Vars: 1000
Php Max Upload Size: 50 MB
Php Memory Limit: 256M
Php Post Max Size: 50M
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Php Suhosin: No
Php Time Limt: 0
Php Version: 5.6.33
Software: Apache
Wp Memory Limit: 40MBrowser
——————————————-HTTP USER AGENT: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/65.0.3325.181 Safari/537.36
——————————————-Name: GeneratePress
Version: 2.0.2
Themeuri: https://generatepress.com
Authoruri: https://tomusborne.com
Child Theme: No
Llms Support: NoPlugins
——————————————-AccessPress Social Icons: 1.6.9
Antispam Bee: 2.7.1
Anywhere Elementor: 1.0
Code Snippets:
Custom Sidebars: 3.1.3
Cyr to Lat enhanced: 3.5
Duplicate Post: 3.2.1
Elementor: 2.0.3
Evergreen Countdown Timer: 1.1.0
Facebook Pixel: 1.7.6
Head, Footer and Post Injections: 3.1.0
HyperComments: 1.2.2
If Menu: 0.8.3
iThemes Security: 6.9.2
LifterLMS: 3.17.1
LifterLMS Labs: 1.5.0
MailChimp Forms by MailMunch: 3.1.0
Marketizator: 1.1
PopBox For Elementor: 1.0.7
Quiz And Survey Master: 5.2.3
Redirection: 3.2
Simple CSS: 1.1
Super Socializer: 7.11.7
TinyMCE Advanced: 4.6.7
WP Mail SMTP: 1.2.5
WP Mautic: 2.2.2
WP Statistics: 12.3.5
Yoast SEO: 7.2Integrations
——————————————-BbPress: No
BuddyPress: NoTemplate Overrides
——————————————-Quiz and Survey master registers a custom post type with the same url parameters that LifterLMS uses (‘quiz’) and this results in conflicts.
If you require the use of both you can add some custom code to change the url slug that LifterLMS uses for our quizzes:
This example changes something like yoursite.com/quiz/quiz-slug to yoursite.com/llms_quiz/quiz-slug
After adding that code to your site (in your theme’s functions.php file) you’ll also need to flush your permalinks so they’ll take effect: https://lifterlms.com/docs/how-to-flush-wordpress-rewrite-rules-or-permalinks/
If you don’t need the Q&SM plugin you can disable the plugin, flush permalinks, and the issue should be resolved.
Hope that helps,
This reply was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by
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