• I’m ussin Quttera’s plugin for Malware Scanner. I’m getting this warning:

    FILE: wp-content/plugins/woo-customers-manager/freemius/includes/sdk/FreemiusBase.php
    FILE_MD5: 70e16dd470e80a6700d20683907cf944
    SEVERITY: enMaliciousThreatType
    ENGINE: fscanner
    THREAT_SIG: 2c910b81c0955d48bd05a3250f3b3729
    THREAT_NAME: Trojan.PHP.Base64.gen.361
    THREAT: $fn = ‘base64’ . ‘_decode’;…
    DETAILS: Detected malicious PHP script

    Any idea why?

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  • Thank you for reporting this issue
    The detection occurred due to the following code

    $fn = ‘base64’ . ‘_decode’;
    return $fn( strtr( $input, ‘-_’, ‘+/’ ) );

    such code widely used for run-time generation of shell-code decoders.
    We investigated the detected file and it is clean.
    The detection will be whitelisted in the next plugin release.

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