Here is a fix that hides the button if the image size is 0 and check again on load to display the actual image.
CB_Pinterest_Pinner = function(selector, not_selector, min_width, min_height){
function init(selector, not_selector, min_width, min_height) {
jQuery(selector).not(not_selector).each(function(index) {
var extra_css = new Array("margin", "margin-top", "margin-bottom", "margin-left", "margin-right", "padding", "padding-top", "padding-bottom", "padding-left", "padding-right");
var already_selected = jQuery(this).attr("cb_pinned");
if(already_selected != "true") {
jQuery(this).attr("cb_pinned", "true");
var height = jQuery(this).height();
if( typeof height === "undefined") {
height = jQuery(this).attr("height");
var width = jQuery(this).width();
if( typeof width === "undefined") {
width = jQuery(this).attr("width");
width = parseInt(width);
height = parseInt(height);
min_width = parseInt(min_width);
min_height = parseInt(min_height);
if((height == 0 || height > min_height) && (width == 0 || width > min_width)) {
var theID = 'pin_images_' + index;
jQuery(this).wrap('<div class="cb_pin_images" id="' + theID + '" />');
jQuery('#' + theID).append('<a class="cb_pin_link" href="#"> </a>');
jQuery('#' + theID + " a").click(image_click);
if(height > 0) {
jQuery('#' + theID).height(height);
if(width > 0) {
jQuery('#' + theID).width(width);
var len = extra_css.length;
for(var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
var css_attr_name = extra_css[i];
var css_attr_value = jQuery(this).css(css_attr_name);
if(!( typeof css_attr_value === "undefined")) {
jQuery('#' + theID).css(css_attr_name,css_attr_value);
jQuery('#' + theID).addClass(jQuery(this).attr("class"));
if(height == 0 || width == 0) {
jQuery('#' + theID+' a.cb_pin_link').hide(); //If we don't know the image size hide the button for now
jQuery(this).load(function() {
//Image now loaded, see if it's big enough
if(jQuery(this).height() > min_height && jQuery(this).width() > min_width) {
function image_click(event) {
var url = document.URL;
/* TODO add somehow to determine if this is a link to a post or not.
* This works for the most part but not completely
* $link_parents =jQuery(this).parent().parent("a");
if($link_parents && $link_parents.length == 1 ){
//alert(typeof $link_parents.get(0));
url = $link_parents.attr("href");
if(url.charAt(url.length - 1) == "/") {
url = url.substring(0, url.length - 1);
url = encodeURIComponent(url);
var media = jQuery(this).prev("img").attr("src");
media = encodeURIComponent(media);
var description = jQuery(this).attr("title");
if( typeof description === "undefined" || jQuery.trim(description) == "" ) {
description = jQuery(this).prev("img").attr("alt");
if( typeof description === "undefined" || jQuery.trim(description) == "" ){
description = document.title;
var href = '' + url + '&media=' + media + '&description=' + description;
function pin_this(href) {, "cb_pin_windows", "menubar=1,resizable=1,width=800,height=250");
init(selector, not_selector, min_width, min_height);