• bwell9


    I set up a contact form and the radio buttons are not showing up when I go to the actual site. I am using chrome and this is the code that contact form 7 generated.

    <p>In what time frame are you looking to purchase?
    [radio Timeframe label_first “1-3 months” “4-7 months” “8+ months”]</p>

    <p>Have you obtained a pre-approval letter?
    [radio Preapproval label_first “Yes, I have an approval” “No, I need assistance”]</p>


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  • Neil Murray


    Please include a link to your Contact Form 7 form plus all your input in the Form and Mail sections of the CF7 interface. This will help others here to understand your actual problem.

    Thread Starter bwell9


    When I use chrome I don’t see the radio buttons or checkboxes. When I use Tor Browser I do.


    <p>Your Name (required)
    [text* your-name] </p>

    <p>Your Email (required)
    [email* your-email] </p>

    <p>Is your property on the market or are you looking for an agent?
    [radio currentlylisted id:currentlylisted label_first “My home is currently listed” “I am looking for an agent”]</p>

    <p>Why are your looking to sell your property?
    [checkbox reasonforselling id:reasonforselling label_first “Upgrading” “Relocating” “Downsizing” “Financial Reasons” “Divorce” “Estate Settlement” “Other”]<p />

    <p>What is your ideal time frame to sell?
    [radio timeframe id:currentlylisted label_first “1-3 Months” “4-6 Months” “7-9 Months” “10+ Months”]</p>

    <p>Describe your home:
    [textarea homedescription id:homedescription placeholder “Bedrooms, Bathrooms, Special Features ETC…”]</p>

    <p>When is the best time to contact you?
    [checkbox bestcontacttime id:bestcontacttime label_first “Morning” “Afternoon” “Evening”]</p>

    [tel Phonenumber id:phonenumber placeholder “(xxx) xxx-xxxx”]

    <p>[submit “Send”]</p>

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