So sorry to not have replied sooner. I completely missed this. My apologies.
A streaming URL is a link to an audio stream feed generated by your streaming provider or the streaming server you installed on either your own machine or on a web server that allows for installing and configuring streaming software.
Most streaming stations utilize Shoutcast or Icecast to generate the audio stream and pass that stream through a URL provided by the software once you install and configure your machine or server.
Of course, you have to get your signal into your computer first and then have that signal routed through Icecast or Shoutcast. Our player accepts a stream URL generated by Icecast or Shoutcast.
You can either use your own machine to install Icecast or Shoutcast or you can sign up for stream hosting with Shoutcast or a third-party provider so you don’t have to leave your computer on all night connected to the Internet.
For example, you could use Azuracast or Libretime open source platforms to create your shows and playlists and then pass the stream URL to Radio Station (free) or Radio Station PRO (which has a persistent sitewide player).
For example, see the Azuracast Docs for methods to use Shoutcast along with other software to set up your stream URL.
We are working towards Azuracast and Libretime integrations, but it hasn’t happened just yet. Possibly end of this year or the beginning of 2023.
We have an affiliate relationship with A2 Hosting, which offers up a ShoutCast streaming server, as well. Here’s our affiliate link. Note that we do receive a commission for referrals.
Link to A2 Hosting N