• Waldo Jaquith


    What conditions will trigger WordPress to display a 404 page other than a given URL not existing?

    I have over a dozen WordPress installs, and some of them are on DreamHost (which is starting to seem like a mistake). The ones on DreamHost—and only the ones on DreamHost—exhibit an occasional bug that I cannot understand. When using the various functions of wp-admin, such as browsing past posts, editing a comment, etc., I will periodically receive a WordPress 404 error. This is while viewing totally mundane URLs — /wp-admin/post-new.php, for instance. A reload of the page just about always resolves the problem, although sometimes a series of reloads are required to get the page to appear.

    I’ve tried to determine what conditions will trigger WordPress to display a 404, but I’ve had no luck sussing out where to find that within the code.

    My guess is that this is because of DreamHost’s chronically overloaded servers. Perhaps it’s killing off a MySQL query in progress, which causes WordPress to receive a false response as the query result, which simply displays a 404 for lack of any better response?

    I’d love to hear either a) where to find WordPress’ 404 triggers or b) what’s causing this, should somebody know.

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  • tigertiger


    I’m getting a lot of 404 errors in the admin section.
    Users : add-new.php
    Tools : Tools
    optimize-db (the plugin)

    The refresh isn’t helping me unfortunately.
    I’m on A Small Orange though, not DreamHost.
    I’m on PHP5 and WP 2.7.1

    Hi Waldo,
    I am experiencing the exact same as you, however even after reloads of the same page, cannot get past the 404.

    Did you ever find an answer to this problem?


    Hello Sir,

    I Install WordPress MU as You Directed Here. Installation is Success,
    But When I create a user Blog eg: it’s name is firstone then the
    url is : https://localhost.localdomain/wpmu/firstone/ But when I visit this page I got a 404 page Not Found Error. How it can Avoid? As an Experience I copy all files in /wpmu installation Folder to this /wpmu/firstone folder. Then I got the page, but When I click some
    links like Comment , I got another page Not Found 404 Error.

    Sir , please Give a Work arounf for it …. I know Copy the Content to
    new folder is not a Solution….. I am working in Red Hat Linux Fedora
    Core 8 PC …. ok I am waiting your Reply… Kindly give a Solution as Early as Possible…..
    You can contact me : [email protected]

    With Great Regards
    Anes P.A



    I’m experiencing the same thing, random errors in the admin of wordpress installed in dreamhost

    any solutions???

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