• Resolved webiaprodg


    I think, but I don’t remember where, that you could display random reviews. But in the list of shortcodes, I can’t find what I have to put in the shortcode. Is it possible to do this or have I misread/understood?


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  • Plugin Author Design Extreme


    @webiaprodg That’s ok, sometimes it is quicker just to ask.

    You have two choices:

    1. Either you can select the sorting in the main Setup tab, the “Review Sort” field and select either “Random Shuffle Static” or “Random Shuffle Variable”
    2. Or use the shortcode parameter: [reviews_rating sort="shuffle"] or [reviews_rating sort="shuffle_variable"]
    Thread Starter webiaprodg


    Hi @designextreme!
    That’s a quick answer ??

    Thank you very much! Everything is perfect now.

    Have a great day!

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