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  • I am experiencing the same thing. I added hundreds of quotes from my book so that my homepage would always have new and fresh content for visitors, but they go in the same order every time. I suspect this behavior is new since I updated last month.

    Using TR version 2.1.3
    WordPress 4.4.2

    Thread Starter Gretchen Louise


    Hoping there will be a solution soon, as I love the layout of this plugin. But it looks like Testimonial Widget has random options built in.

    Plugin Author Hal Gatewood


    I’ll do some testing and get back with you soon. Thanks.

    Many thanks. I love the plugin, and I use it specifically because all of the text is visible to search engines.

    Plugin Author Hal Gatewood


    I just did a test and this seems to be working perfectly for me. I tried it with and without the shuffle attribute:

    [testimonial_rotator id=”115″ limit=”1″] and [testimonial_rotator id=”115″ limit=”1″ shuffle=”1″]

    Also tested with the widget settings.

    Can either of you post how you are including the rotator and possibly re-save your rotator settings? Screenshots and any more detailed information would be great.


    In my case it’s the widget which is not randomizing properly.

    My primary rotator is on my home page and includes hundreds of quotes:

    The Testimonials Rotator is the only widget in the primary site sidebar:

    The rotator’s settings are difficult to misinterpret:

    I have rotators created with shortcodes on each contributor’s bio page as well. Those are randomizing properly, but they don’t show the forward/back arrows for some reason. I removed the background color on this one to make the missing controls more obvious.

    [testimonial_rotator id=2429 shuffle="true"]

    That rotator’s settings:

    Altering and resaving my primary rotator settings had no effect.

    Using other rotators in the widget has the same effect – no randomization.

    Using multiple rotators in the widget has the same effect – no randomization.

    My primary rotator does randomize properly when created with a shortcode (as opposed to living in a widget).

    Plugin Author Hal Gatewood


    @jeremyborum can you try on the widget settings clicking the ‘Override Rotator Settings?’ checkbox and then selecting Randomize from that list?

    Can you also try quotes around the id number: [testimonial_rotator id=”2429″ shuffle=”1″]

    That fixed it Hal. Many thanks. This must be a little bug. “Default” would not randomize, although that is set properly in the rotator settings, but overriding it to “Yes” allows it to work.

    I didn’t bother putting quotes around the rotator id or changing my shuffle=”true” to shuffle=”1″.

    Plugin Author Hal Gatewood


    There is a style:
    .testimonial_rotator_nav .testimonial_rotator_prev { top: -29px }

    is that something you have added? The .testimonial_rotator_wrap has an overflow hidden which is hiding the arrows because they are outside of the rotator.

    I’ll answer in my other thread about the navigation arrows.

    Apologies – I didn’t start a thread about that.

    Yes, I customized the color and position of the navigation. I wanted the left/right arrows to be positioned from the top, not centered on the quote, because some of the quotes are quite long and the arrows weren’t on-screen on small devices.

    .testimonial_rotator_nav .testimonial_rotator_prev { left: 120px; top: -29px; color: #a6b179; }
    .testimonial_rotator_nav .testimonial_rotator_next { left: 150px; top: -29px; color: #a6b179; }

    It works fine on my primary rotator (in the widget)…
    …but not in shortcode widgets which are not showing the rotator title.

    Removing this code makes the default navigation appear correctly again, so what have I done wrong?

    Plugin Author Hal Gatewood


    Adding .testimonial_rotator_wrap { overflow: visible; } should fix it.

    Plugin Author Hal Gatewood


    @gretchen Louise try on the widget settings clicking the ‘Override Rotator Settings?’ checkbox and then selecting Randomize from that list?

    Is my { top: -29px } relative to the default center line where the navigation normally lives, or relative to the top of the rotator?

    My different rotators are all different heights, and that is obviously the source of my navigation icon problem.

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