Hal, are there any issues with the latest version of WP and the current version of the Testimonials Rotator?
Have looked at all of the screen shots from this thread and the other thread that had the same topic (just Gretchen) and none of the suggestions allow my testimonials to randomly appear. Starts with same one each time and follows the same order.
Created and named a Rotator
Need to use it as a Widget
Also tried this Shortcode on a page [testimonial_rotator id=”434″ shuffle=”true”] which did not randomize
Using Lonform
Have Randomize Testimonials in Editor
Attached to Rotator in Testimonial
Also Override Rotator Settings with Yes in Randomize Testimonial drop down list
Tried leaving the Testimonial order 0, and also tried re-ordering them to see if it would change (it did not have any affect)
Am I missing anything?
Oddly, I had tried another testimonial widget plugin and did not like the limited settings and that one also would not randomize. Settled on yours, really want it to work because I like the horizontal flip!