• Hello, I’ve been trying to gain more website traffic for over 2 years, and have tried nearly everything, but most recently in the past couple months and specifically with rank math… I’ve been going off of the SEO analyzer in the rank math plugin to help guide me, and little by little I’ve been trying to fix certain things like adding alt text to more pictures, and trying to get to as close to 100% under the SEO details of my “pages” section of wordpress, and even though I’ve corrected quite a few things, I still haven’t seen any increases in traffic, I’m wondering am I on the right path? sometimes its been very overwhelming and then underwhelming because of lack of results. So what other SPECIFIC changes can I make that will make my website gain more traffic and increase engagement when using rankmath? I CANT afford to hire a marketer/seo manager/designer/developer so I’m doing this all on my own, and I just want to make sure I’m not wasting my time trying to “fix” random things that don’t actually have a real impact on gaining the targeted traffic I need(my shop is still currently undergoing work by the way). My goals are to gain leads (for musician bookings for gigs/events and gaining interest from artwork companies looking to collaborate/sign artists) and boost sales (for commissions and current artwork available)

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Hi, a big player these days is social proof. So links and backlinks to your site from heavily followed social media accounts (whether yours or someone elses who links to your site). I would focus on building a social media strategy. And think about a consistent approach long term.

    I would also say that your site is kind of overwhelming in content, and underwhelming in design. You are a lot of amazing things that you rightfully want to showcase, and in a lot of diverse areas. If it were me, I would actually have 3 different websites. One for violin bookings, one for commissions and ‘being a photographer’, and one to sell your work.

    Lastly, your page loads with a tonne of errors, and the performance is not good.

    See here:


    and here:


    Lots of errors from the Facebook SDK which is the chat box.

    Just my first impressions.

    Thread Starter alaska12


    The backlinks are a prosperous idea. However when you mention my site being “overwhelming in content, and underwhelming in design” I actually 90% disagree with that and you. There are still elements that I would like to critique/edit but overall the concept and structure looks nice. As for the several different sites options, first off, the site was originally going to just be about art and selling art/art commissions, then I decided to incorporate violin, now it’s just selling art and music services. I did consider crafting a site just about violin but decided for the sake of ranking, I would like audiences who are interested in both to be able to browse and connect with me that way, plus I’ve actually seen quite a few websites who display “jack-of-all-trades” content. Also I personally would prefer to manage both under one domain as it would be easier, I just need assistance as to what to add to bring in more traffic. As for the photography and web design labels, the photography is there because that’s where I’m going to be advertising selling PRINTS of photography similar to prints of paintings/art, NOT photography services. With the web design, I actually plan to use my current site to back-link to a new site I create about web design. Lastly I am aware my pages have some errors, I definitely would love to fix those ASAP. However, you sent me these screenshots with no context, which errors are the most to least of importance? what software did you use to analyze my site? I personally used the RankMath plugin to view any errors, but it seems like what you’re displaying has more errors? Should I continue using the rankmath plugin to observe/view/fix the errors or another plugin? Or another website?(Free preferably. I actually contacted my domain provider Hostgator customer service about any potential errors and they said nothing else is wrong (of course not true) so I’m wondering should I call hostgator back about said errors? I know you said the Facebook SDK is also having an error, but I need to know which platform/service/plugin will give me the BEST breakdown of WHICH errors need to be fixed from least to most important and WHY ASAP.

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