• Resolved wn nj


    AMP is flagging the following as issues and removing the scripts:

    Issue #1

    Element name
    Parent element
    #1 Type: Plugin
    Name: Rank Math SEO (seo-by-rank-math)
    Function: RankMath\Frontend\Frontend::enqueue()
    Action: wp_enqueue_scripts (priority 10)
    Enqueued Script: rank-math
    Dependent Script: jquery-core
    Location: includes/frontend/class-frontend.php:102
    #2 Type: Core
    Name: wp-includes
    Function: wp_enqueue_scripts()
    Action: wp_head (priority 1)
    Enqueued Script: rank-math
    Dependent Script: jquery-core
    Location: script-loader.php:2288
    #3 Type: Core
    Name: wp-includes
    Function: wp_default_scripts()
    Action: wp_default_scripts (priority 10)
    Enqueued Script: jquery
    Dependent Script: jquery-core
    Location: script-loader.php:583
    #5 Type: Core
    Name: wp-includes
    Function: WP_Widget_Factory::_register_widgets()
    Action: widgets_init (priority 100)
    Enqueued Script: jquery
    Dependent Script: jquery-core
    Location: class-wp-widget-factory.php:89
    #7 Type: Core
    Name: wp-includes
    Function: wp_widgets_init()
    Action: init (priority 1)
    Enqueued Script: jquery
    Dependent Script: jquery-core
    Location: widgets.php:1717
    #9 Type: Core
    Name: wp-includes
    Function: wp_default_scripts()
    Action: wp_default_scripts (priority 10)
    Enqueued Script: jquery-core
    Location: script-loader.php:583
    #11 Type: Core
    Name: wp-includes
    Function: WP_Widget_Factory::_register_widgets()
    Action: widgets_init (priority 100)
    Enqueued Script: jquery-core
    Location: class-wp-widget-factory.php:89
    #13 Type: Core
    Name: wp-includes
    Function: wp_widgets_init()
    Action: init (priority 1)
    Enqueued Script: jquery-core
    Location: widgets.php:1717
    #15 Type: Core
    Name: wp-includes
    Function: wp_print_head_scripts()
    Action: wp_head (priority 9)
    Location: script-loader.php:2242


    Issue #2

    Element name
    Parent element
    #1 Type: Plugin
    Name: Rank Math SEO (seo-by-rank-math)
    Function: RankMath\Frontend\Frontend::enqueue()
    Action: wp_enqueue_scripts (priority 10)
    Enqueued Script: rank-math
    Location: includes/frontend/class-frontend.php:102
    #2 Type: Core
    Name: wp-includes
    Function: wp_enqueue_scripts()
    Action: wp_head (priority 1)
    Enqueued Script: rank-math
    Location: script-loader.php:2288
    #3 Type: Core
    Name: wp-includes
    Function: wp_print_footer_scripts()
    Action: wp_footer (priority 20)
    Location: script-loader.php:2271
    #4 Type: Core
    Name: wp-includes
    Function: _wp_footer_scripts()
    Action: wp_print_footer_scripts (priority 10)
    Location: script-loader.php:2261


    Issue #3
    Element attributes
    type text/javascript
    Element name
    Parent element
    Text content

    /* <![CDATA[ */
    var rankMath = {“version”:”″,”ajaxurl”:”https:\/\/mydomainname.com\/wp-admin\/admin-ajax.php”,”adminurl”:”https:\/\/mydomainname.com\/wp-admin\/admin.php”,”endpoint”:”https:\/\/mydomainname.com\/wp-json\/rankmath\/v1″,”security”:”6d1c067ed7″,”restNonce”:”e1864d9f1f”,”objectID”:2850,”objectType”:”post”};

    /* ]]> */

    #1 Type: Plugin
    Name: Rank Math SEO (seo-by-rank-math)
    Function: MyThemeShop\Json_Manager::output()
    Action: wp_footer (priority 0)
    Location: vendor/mythemeshop/wordpress-helpers/src/class-json-manager.php:79

    Kindly advise


    I am using:

    Name Twenty Twenty (twentytwenty) Version 1.4
    Wordpress Version 5.4.2
    Server architecture Linux 5.3.0-1018-gcp x86_64
    Web server Apache
    PHP version 7.4.6 (Supports 64bit values)
    Extension mysqli
    Server version 5.7.29-32-log
    Client version mysqlnd 7.4.6
    AMP mode enabled standard
    Templates enabled post, page, attachment, is_singular, is_front_page, is_home, is_archive, is_author, is_date, is_search, is_404, is_category, is_tag
    Serve all templates as AMP? true

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