• Yochai Glik


    i dont know where else to write it, so i just need to put it out there, and its ok if this topic will be closed or deleted, just trying to talk to someone about annoying thing: wp-env

    i develop on wordpress a lot, i realy like it. i want to be part of the community.

    so i read a lot of articles, some on the wp.org developer blog, some documentations, and many more, i also watch plenty of videos about block development and other wp areas.

    in recent time i hear a lot about wp-env, it seems that all of the developer advocates are encouraging us -wp devs- to use wp-env, and on the surface it appear as we should use it. its simple, easy and better.

    but, and here is the rant part, i have been trying to start using wp-env i think 5 or 6 times now, every time i just hit a wall, something is not as it presented in the tutorials. sometimes its errors, sometimes wp-env is not installed (after a successful installation), sometimes wp-env start take more than 7 minutes to boot up, and more…

    honestly, i feel frustrated, i feel like i do something wrong or someone misinform me about wp-env.

    look, this topic is not about specifc issue i need help with, its about the larger scheme of things, maybe all the developer advocates are a bit disconnected from the actual devs? or maybe its just me, browsing away failing to find what is it that im doing wrong.

    i wrote before about my opinion on those tutorials – they should show how to handle errors! not easy-peasy “installation process”
    i coudnt find any wp tutorials referring to errors in node/npm

    i am wondering, who else is having this difficulties or frustrations?

    what do i need to do -with my limited resources- to help this community grow more organically than artificially? and my own dev process on the way

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  • To address wp-env issues, document problems, seek community support, contribute to documentation, explore alternative resources, and provide feedback to developer advocates. Your experiences can help improve the tool and aid the community.

    Best Regards,


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