• Resolved Guido



    My plugin has been approved, so I want to upload it to my SVN repository.
    Unfortunately it’s difficult to do that for someone how has never heard of SVN…

    www.ads-software.com advised me to use Subversion… but without entering actual commandlines(!) it’s impossible to upload plugin to the repository (I guess).

    Few hours later I found Rapid SVN and a clear tiny tutorial in this post:

    But when I tried to upload whole pluginfolder, I’m getting this error after pressing Commit:

    Error while performing action:
    Commit failed (details follow): Changing directory ‘c/users/etc’ is forbidden by the server
    Access to ‘/!svn/txr/806369-hmp3/mypluginname/trunk/mypluginfoldername’ forbidden

    What am I doing wrong? Thanks in advance.


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  • Thread Starter Guido


    I explain step by step what I’m doing, so hopefully anyone can tell me what I’m doing wrong:

    1) I open RapidSVN
    2) I rightclick ‘Bookmark’ and select ‘Add Existing Repository’
    3) I enter the URL to my SVN repository
    4) New bookmark is created and containing all folders from my SVN repository
    5) I rightclick the new bookmark and select ‘Checkout New Working copy’
    6) I select the folder on my pc I want to use for this
    7) And new Bookmark is created
    8) I copy-paste my plugin files (not plugin folder) into folder ‘trunk’. Note: inside my plugin I have also a js and css folder
    9) I select all files and click ‘add’ (‘commit’ is not available yet)
    10) I select all files again and click ‘commit’
    11) RapidSVN is connecting to my repository and I’m getting the error in previous post

    I also tried to login before step 10 (rightclick bookmark and select Login), but same error.

    That’s it.


    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    6) I select the folder on my pc I want to use for this

    Where was this folder?

    Honestly we don’t (and CAN’T) support every flavor of SVN out there. While the command line is cryptic at first, it’s actually WAY easier than most GUIs out there.

    Thread Starter Guido


    Thanks, I understand.

    6) My working copy is located in My Documents, but I tried a folder in Program Files too.

    I never heard of a Subversion before, the instructions of the ‘default’ one gave me a headache. I thought this one is/was much easier to use…


    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    Well the problem with that is I sure don’t use Rapid SVN ?? Commandline is something that is, generally, the same across the board so it’s a little easier to debug.

    When/where in Rapid SVN are you putting in your username and passowrd?

    Thread Starter Guido


    Hi Mika,

    I can enter my login by rightclicking the bookmark and select Login.
    But even after I’m logged in I’m not getting access ??

    Maybe I should leave this one alone and use the ‘official’ Subversion in stead? Or are you willing to upload my plugin ;-)? My plugin hosting request has been approved, or is this only step 1?


    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    No, I won’t upload your plugin. Your plugin is your responsibility. No offense, but I’ve got no interest in taking on your workload.

    I can enter my login by rightclicking the bookmark and select Login.

    Okay, your user name is Guido07111975 (notice the capital letter?) – You doing that?

    Thread Starter Guido


    It’s a joke ??

    But, I guess I tried to login with my e-mail address all the time… on forum this works but aparently on RapidSVN not… So I used the username like you suggested, and it works now :-). Great, thanks Mika!

    One last question, I notice the files that are located in 2 subfolders are not in my repository, do I need to upload those files without the subfolder?


    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    You have to add the subfolders. In commandline, usually svn add trunk/* will get everything in it :/

    Thread Starter Guido


    Thanks for your support, I notice it’s added to the repository:

    Any ideas how to change/remove the text that is displayed in grey area?


    Thread Starter Guido


    Found the text issue. Topic resolved! Thanks again.


    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    I also have a problem to upload my plugin file into SVN. I followed those step by step (11 steps) which Guido tells here.

    now the problem is which message I will add for commit message??
    The error is—–
    Error: Error while performing action: Commit failed (details follow):
    Commit blocked by pre-commit hook (exit code 1) with output:
    Please provide commit message that describes the changes you are making.

    thanks in advance.

    again what is the meaning of this?
    Commit blocked by pre-commit hook (exit code 1) with output:

    Thread Starter Guido


    I notice this: Please provide commit message that describes the changes you are making.

    Each time you upload a file / plugin via RapidSVN you need to add a comment so it’s clear what you are doing. I added ‘First version’ each time I upload files. And when I update my plugin I will add comment ‘Second version’ :-).


    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    Please provide commit message that describes the changes you are making.

    That is indeed, the information you needed to read. You are required to provide a commit message with each upload. We would like them to be informative. It’s part of our spam fighting tools. Real people, real messages.

    Also this topic is resolved, so if you have further issues, make a NEW topic please and thankyou.

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