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  • Hii Jan Dembowski,

    We will do it in next update.


    Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad



    Hii Jan Dembowski,

    Next month we will update the theme.


    Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    @weblizar_support Next month? Oh, OK.

    Mind if I archive all 5 star reviews for this theme and any other theme of yours that does that? The “REVIEW! REVIEW! REVIEW!” is really thick and I don’t want anyone to think that your abusing that has increased your 5 star reviews.


    I can archive the last 100 5 star reviews if you like. It’s really not a problem for me. While I’m at it, I’ll install your other code and see if that’s happening there too.


    It is just a request for a user to rate my work . Not Force.

    If so , Yes I contribute for WPORG and yes Follow the guidelines , Here also I am going to follow it again. I have it other theme’s too which I am gonna remove tomorrow for sure. Till than I need your Guidance.

    I have added it in Customizr as a Soft Request for Rating?
    Please have a look here
    And Guide me , If its okay ? So I will push my update on repo.

    Again It was just a request , Yes I know other theme also which have this request banner for review. Correct me If I am wrong .

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by weblizar.
    Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    You really need to ask the Theme Review Team. I review the reviews. ??

    Here’s the important part of this topic. When plugin and theme authors ask for a review, that is very cool and I will never have a problem that.

    But it needs to be dismissible. Author’s who make it dismissible get the user’s appreciation. No one likes the constant reminder because that is obtrusive and, more importantly, damages your user’s experience with your theme.

    There are many acceptable ways to ask for reviews. Some plugin authors even have code that waits for an event and just ask for a review with “10,000 <EVENT HERE>! Awesome! Would you like to leave us a review? You can do so here <LINK>”

    That works. That works amazingly well. I don’t have a problem with asking for reviews that way and neither should you. It gets more reviews because your users are thankful that you a) don’t bug them and b) actually like your theme.

    That’s a better way to do it and achieves what you want, which is good community feedback.

    Hello @jdembowski ;

    I have added the dismissle button code in version-4.0 , Pushing with in next 5 mins.

    Thread is here


    Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    Thanks! I’m resolving this topic. I really appreciate your quick turn around for this.

    Dissmiss button is not working for me in version 4.0

    @andymalaga : Exactly what? Have you tried dissimile button? It is working. Are you multisite?

    Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    @andymalaga Per the forum guidelines, can you instead start your own topic?

    You can do so here.

    When you hop onto someone else’s topic you send emails to those other folks about your problem. That’s not how these forums work as the Guideline explains.

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