• The rating forms open and all images submitted are shown. When click a small image, normally that image open and can be examined. It does not open, just show a black page. If you say next, another black page appears.

    Yes, it can be close. and repeat the same with the same result.

    Any Advice?

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  • Hi RonC,

    If you are using a newer version of WordPress and associated block theme, i.e. Twenty-TwentyTwo & WP 6.+ (perhaps even 5.8) there is a known issue with the execution timing of one of the WP functions that is used in EntryWizard and the EWZRatings plugins. (See https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/issue-with-wp_localize_script-or-similar-on-block-themes/ about 3 or 4 posts into the thread.)

    If this is your situation, there is a relatively easy fix but I needed to make a small change in two of the plugin files. Let me know if you are using a newer theme/WP combination and I will post my feeble attempt at a fix here.


    • This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by dwturner. Reason: Added additional information
    Thread Starter ronc


    Thanks for coming to help… using: theme weaver xtreme WP Current version: 6.3.1. Please advise, Thanks in advance

    Plugin Author Josie Stauffer


    dwturner: I’m afraid I don’t have a lot of time for EntryWizard nowadays, and I’d be grateful for any help.

    Please let me know which function you are referring to and how you would suggest fixing it.

    Hi RonC & Josie

    In my case, it appears that the problem was caused by a change in the execution order of the wp_localize_script() in the plugin code relative to the firing of the wp_enqueue_scripts hook. Apparently, in a block editor version of WP, the wp_enqueue_script hook firing is delayed so “when you try to enqueue a script simply using its handle, the script is not found in the list of the registered scripts. And, in turn, wp_localize_script/wp_add_inline_script fail to find the handle to attach their data to.” – Thanks to @luigipulcini for the detective work.

    In EntryWizard, my solution was to edit \entrywizard\includes\ewz-upload.php to comment out line 90 and replace it with the following:

    90 //  wp_localize_script( "ewz-upload", "ewzG_$webform_id",  ewz_html_esc( $ewzG ));
    //*** To replace preceding line and move execution of the rendering of ewzG_ object to the footer hook
    $ewz_object = json_encode(ewz_html_esc($ewzG));
    $ewz_object_name = 'ewzG_'.$webform_id;
    add_action('wp_footer', function() use ($ewz_object_name, $ewz_object){
      printf('<script type="text/javascript">var %s = %s</script>', $ewz_object_name, $ewz_object);
    //*** End of change

    The execution timing change also affected the EWZ-Ratings plugin which might be RonC’s issue. A largely similar change was also applied to \ewz-ratings\includes\ewz-rating-shortcode.php at line 286 (was commented out) using the following:

    286 // wp_localize_script( "ewz-rating", 'ewzG1_' . $atts['rf_num'], array( 'gvar' => $ewzG ));
    //*** To replace preceding line and move execution of the rendering of ewzG_ object to the footer hook
    $ewz_object = json_encode(array( 'gvar' => $ewzG ));
    $ewz_object_name = 'ewzG1_'.$atts['rf_num'];
    add_action('wp_footer', function() use ($ewz_object_name, $ewz_object){
      printf('', $ewz_object_name, $ewz_object);
    //*** End of change

    @ronc, the code immediately above might be helpful but I am not certain about the applicability to the theme you are using.

    @joanne123, I am sure that there are better ways to implement this change but I was pressed for time and this is what I came up with.

    Hope this helps and thanks again for a great plugin. Also, just an FYI the code comments were useful – I could not have figured this out without them.


    • This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by dwturner.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by dwturner.
    Thread Starter ronc


    Thanks so much for the help. I will look into it. Two things I will try 1 change theme, as it would bethe simplest. 2 look into that code and make the changes. If we make those changes in the EW code, do the next update will replace those line? Again Thanks for the help. Will keep the post updated.

    Plugin Author Josie Stauffer


    ronc: I tried to reproduce this using the Weaver Xtreme theme and was unable to see any issue. Do you see anything from EntryWizard Ratings in your php error log file?

    DWTurner: Re the use of wp_localize_script: I really can’t comment, since I don’t see an issue myself. But the wp_enqueue_script function, which is called before it, does have an option to put the script in the footer. So that would be my first choice of modifications if it were necessary to do something of the kind. But I would have expected to have heard from others before now if this was a common issue.

    Thread Starter ronc


    Sorry to take your time. I am at a loss …your php error log file? The only error file I found, did not mentioned anything and all entries were from 2022 In order to see this file, is it in the php config file? Or is ther a real error.php somewhere?

    Thanks in advance for taking the time

    Plugin Author Josie Stauffer


    The normal place for the error log in wordpress, if your webmaster did not deliberately place it elsewhere, is in the debug.log file in your wp-content folder. It’s the first place to look when anything goes wrong.

    Make the problem happen again, and then immediately look at the end of that file.

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