• Resolved manicolaus


    Very disappointing that the long-standing bug that cripples the menu structure has not been fixed in RC3.2. When the number of nodes in the menu exceeds 24 or thereabouts, saving the menu structure starts to crash the server with “500” errors occasionally, and as the number of menu items increases, the crashes become more frequent. By the time you hit 40 menu items it crashes 90 per cent of the time, effectively crippling site development. This bug has been reported in the trac system for many months but apparently isn’t considered important enough to fix. I guess people who want to develop larger and more complex sites than the average blog shouldn’t be looking to do it in WordPress, or?

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  • For the sake of 3.2 beta feedback tracking, marking this thread resolved, as Mark has made it clear it’s being worked on for 3.3.


    I’m running into this bug as well. I’ve got a dedicated server with HostGator and I use WordPress 3.2.1. At a certain point after having added many menu items, I can’t save the menu and I get a 500 Internal Server Error. I’ve tried switching themes and turning off all plugins. I contacted HostGator and they increased the PHP memory allocated to WordPress and increased the PHP time out limit. HostGator doesn’t use suhosin. Unfortunately, nothing has worked. It’s a complete nightmare. I don’t know what to try next. I’ve been struggling with this issue for a week. Any suggestions or advice? Thank you.

    One of my clients is moving their site to WordPress – about 200-300 pages (not posts) and I showed them how to use the new custom Appearance/Menu.

    Once they’d added 100 pages, the Menu refused to ‘save’ and they kept losing work.

    They contacted their hosting company Hostgator who did all kinds of tests, were extremely helpful, and discovered that the Custom Menu Save script takes way too long because of the number of pages they’ve added, and is then ‘killed’ by the hosting company script which stops this kind of high bandwidth.

    My client’s been advised they need to move their site to VPS (Virtual Private Server) at an additional cost of about $1 per day (so approx $40/month), which is quite a shock to them and to me.

    I’m interested that others have found other solutions e.g. the Graphene them, so I’m going to mention this to my client today. Perhaps there’s a plugin which will make it easy to make sidebar menus, and just leave the top-level names in the Custom Menu. If I work this out, I’ll post back here. Thanks.

    Known issue: https://core.trac.www.ads-software.com/ticket/14134

    Although how anyone could think that a 100+ item menu is usable is beyond me.

    Hi Esmi,

    These are not top level menu items.

    I’m talking about Pages using categories and sub-categories like the majority of websites. Perhaps you can help, as a Theme Diva?

    I believe we can put all the top level pages in the new Custom Menu, and would then list sub-category pages available by seeing the list for that one category in the sidebar (widget?). (as mentioned above for the Graphene theme)

    Would you be so kind as to share any suggestion for a solution like this? Plugins? How to create the menu ‘group’ of pages for each category?

    Many thanks in advance

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    I’d not use the WP menu system for this, and instead use wp_list_pages


    But as Esmi said, it’s a known issue, people are working on it.

    Many thanks Ipstenu for your quick response, much appreciated. It’s terrific to receive assistance from those with much more WP experience.

    I am in process of building a rather complex regional portal on WordPress multi-site 3.2.1 – There are 16 metropolitan statistical areas in the geographic region – and each msa has a newswire (is a news aggregator) I need a complex sub menu (horizontal menu) for the newswires- 3 Top level menu items : 1. A-Z clickable list of all the city newswires in each msa, 2. organized by geographic/urban areas 3. List of news sources – Underneath the three top levels there are about 40 nested items a piece two/three levels deep… All the nodes, top level, children and grandchildren are category pages. As far as why I would want to handle the navigation this way…the menu as built really works visually, organizationally and functionally – but alas seems wordpress isn’t currently up for the task? My menu just crashed at about 70 items -prior to the crash I was timing out on every save…getting lots of 404’s, rolling 500 internal server errors… finally…half the menu items just went poof – totally disappeared – this issue is putting stress on my server and rendering the whole site unstable. I am very disappointed – not just about this particular menu challenge, but I too want to think that WordPress can be a platform for the complex site developer. FYI, I am hosted by Hostgator and I am on a VPS – level 5 ( rather generous amount of resources) …consulted with Hostgator – At their suggestion, I have increased my memory/time limits in my php.ini file – but I am not confident yet that this will do it for what I am trying to create here. And my advisor at Hostgator didn’t feel confident that a move to a dedicated server would accommodate. So Yes, I do hope the team will make this fix a priority.

    thought: I think I would like to have the menu items save in a similar way as the widgets – one by one – instead of rolling the whole page. that’s it. over and out.

    This menu issue has turned into a nightmare. The memory and time output increases didn’t do the trick. In fact, I can no longer create a working menu at all – the situation is so unpredictable that the menu crashes sometimes after as little as three nodes have been added – and my host is fresh out of ideas. I am having to hire a programmer to see if we can’t figure out a patch or work around – and if not – I will have have to abandon six months of work and rebuild the site on another platform. very distraught.

    Hi msaizan, Sorry you’re still experiencing problems.

    Evidently the Menu feature isn’t meant to be used for massive amounts of pages, but is excellent for Categories or for sections on a website.

    My client’s travel website is now working properly with the menus – here’s what we did:

    Changed Theme:

    – now using Graphene which provides multi-level control for pages being listed in widgets in the sidebar. Thanks to manicolaus for this tip:
    “Necessity being the mother of invention, I have discovered some workarounds. The excellent Graphene theme allows two menus in the header and an apparently unlimited number of additional menus as widgets in the widget areas. Additional menus save OK if they remain small. By breaking out and widgetizing portions of the main menu, it’s possible to put up an operational — though not a convincingly professional — site. Graphene also displays sub-page teasers in an array below a parent page, creating a kind of drop-down non-menu menu”

    In Appearance/Menus:

    – we trimmed down the number of pages which appeared in the Main Menu (to Countries and top level Cities)
    – originally all countries AND sub-pages were being displayed in the main menu, but that kept ‘breaking’ WP.


    – added “CMS Tree Page View” to easily manage a couple of hundred pages and keep them in order
    – once installed this plugin appears under the “Pages” menu in left sidebar.

    So far so good. I do hope there is no need to abandon 6 months of work or move to another platform, there are some excellent work-arounds mentioned here and other WP places on the internet. I have my fingers’ crossed you find a solution like we did.

    Best of luck!

    The “Menus” system is rather broken, in that you have to manually add each page; and if you change the page order on the page’s admin screen, that has no effect on a “Menu”.

    I tend to use two plugins: AutoNav, and Hierarchical Pages which together give a graphical navigation system; and a widget that lists pages “above and below” the current page. That way, WordPress’s built-in page handling is respected, without the user having to see hundreds of pages in the sidebar.

    Fisher Shotcrete is the classical example of a WordPress site done this way.

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