• Hello.

    I’m trying not to panic. Instead of explaining what I’m trying to do, what I need at this immediate moment is instructions on reinstalling everything.

    I’ve made a full copy of the entire WP site..everything…

    I’m at the part where my https://sociallyaffluent.com/wp-25-teaser/wp-admin/install.php is telling me “To reinstall please clear your old database tables first”

    What does this mean? What do I need to do? and how will this effect the original design?

    Please help.

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  • Are you trying to keep your old posts/pages?

    All that stuff is in your database….you either need to link WP to the old database, or create a new one to link the new install to.

    that is because you already have database with tables and data do you want to use them or do you want to start from scratch with fresh install.

    Thread Starter i_banks


    @ Rev. Voodoo

    yeah..I’m trying to keep all of the original post and pages because I was trying to migrate the site to another host/domain, I tried it without using the “WP instructions”, and then when I tried it with the instructions things got crossed and screwed

    so I’m trying to restore everything and start from the beginning.

    @ govpatel

    I want to restore everything to how it was…is that possible?

    OK, so are you reinstalling to the old host? Or the new one?

    Thread Starter i_banks


    The old host…

    you said you backed everything up correct?

    You should just be able to place your backed up files to the old host.

    Did you make any changes? like to url in general settings or anything

    you will not need to use the wp install script, you are not technically making a new WP install

    Thread Starter i_banks


    yeah…everything is backed up from the original passwords, posts, images…etc

    “did you make any changes? like to url in general settings or anything”

    yes I did…and this is when things start screwing up…the original url is “https://sociallyaffluent.com/wp-25-teaser” and this is where the site was developed..I want to get everything back to this url..

    OK, so put all the backed up files back where they were.

    Or you can re-download WP and put up fresh files in the old location. Just remember if you use fresh files to replace the wp-content folder with your old one, and to use your old wp-config.php file

    Once that is done you will probably need to edit your URLs back to the old ones. If you can’t do that through the backend, here’s alternate methods:

    Also, make sure, if you use new files, you use the same version as you had installed, all versions can be downloaded here:

    Thread Starter i_banks


    “Or you can re-download WP and put up fresh files in the old location. Just remember if you use fresh files to replace the wp-content folder with your old one, and to use your old wp-config.php file”

    this sounds like the route I need to go..my only concern is that WordPress made two updates this month..

    It went from 3.0.1 to 3.0.2 and just this past week 3.0.3..I upgraded to 3.0.2..so the fresh files would have to be 3.0.2 and where would I get these?…because the backup files that I have are after the upgrade to 3.0.2…

    I posted a link to all releases in my post above

    Thread Starter i_banks


    okay..cool…I appreciate everything…hopefully it works out..one last question…as long as I saved ALL of the original WP files, I should be able to restore everything as normal correct?

    Yes. Keep a backup of your files locally, as well as a backup of your database. Those 2 components are everything.

    Basically you need:
    wp-content folder (that has your images, plugins, theme, etc)
    wp-config.php file (contains database linking info)
    database copy (contains your posts, pages, everyting created through the WP interface)

    with those pieces, you have everything you need….

    Thread Starter i_banks


    okay..this part…“database copy (contains your posts, pages, everyting created through the WP interface)”

    I guessing this would be wp-admin, wp-includes, and the plethora of other wp files like “wp-blog-header”, “wp-feed”…etc…correct?

    nope. It would be your mysql database, its not files at all. WP writes everything to a database. your posts, options, settings, etc

    Usually the easiest way to back it up is with a plugin…but since you can’t get into your site, we need to do it another way.

    You will have to sign onto your host’s site. And look for something to do with phpmyadmin, database, mysql, or something like that

    MySQL is the database type, and phpmyadmin is a common program for managing the database.

    If you can find how to get to your database, you should be able to backup/export your database

    Thread Starter i_banks


    Okay…you learn something new everyday in the dev world….I had no clue that this is how I get my post info…

    The good thing is that I’m familiar with phpmyadmin and I have full access to it through godaddy.com….

    So I’m thinking that backup/exporting the mysql DB is essential to migrating the site to another host/domain…correct?

    And for the current situation (restoring everything to it’s original setting), since it’s already there I just need to follow the instructions you have above and link everything to the existing database right? (sorry if I’m asking the same thing over and over..i just want to be clear..thanks for your assistance..)

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