There is a hook available to change the URL for the “Redeem” button. Follow these steps and make the changes that you need:
1. Download the functions.php from your FTP server at /wp-content/themes/<your theme>/functions.php
2. Keep a backup of functions.php in case there are problems.
3. Edit functions.php and scroll to the very end and add this code.
Note: if the last line is “?>” then put this code *above* that line. Otherwise, this code goes at the very end of the file:
function custom_pwgc_redeem_url( $redeem_url, $item_data ) {
// Change this to suit your needs:
$shop_url = '';
if ( empty( $shop_url ) ) {
$shop_url = site_url();
$redeem_url = add_query_arg( 'pw_gift_card_number', urlencode( $item_data->gift_card_number ), $shop_url );
return $redeem_url;
add_filter( 'pwgc_redeem_url', 'custom_pwgc_redeem_url', 10, 2 );
4. Save the functions.php file and re-upload it to your server.
Replace functions.php with your backup file if you have any problems.
Let me know if you have any questions!