• Dear Plugin User,

    Before you open a new support topic, please do the following:

    • Read the other sticky topics in this forum.
    • Read the help & FAQ on the plugin website.
    • Update your plugin to the latest version
    • Read the other forum threads

    If you have a problem with the plugin or something is not working as expected, please try the current development version first. Maybe your issue has already been fixed. You can always download it here:


    If the problem sill persists and there is no support thread about it yet, please create one and provide the following information:

    • The version number of WordPress and the plugin
    • The URL to your blog
    • If possible, software of your webserver (Apache/NginX)
    • List of other plugins you are using, especially plugins which modify the output, like caching or SEO plugins.

    Please don’t post in this thread. It is just for information.

    To create a new support topic, please click here: https://www.ads-software.com/support/plugin/google-sitemap-generator#postform

    Please understand that your topic will be marked as “resolved” if I don’t hear from you for two weeks.


  • The topic ‘Read before opening a new support topic’ is closed to new replies.