Ah…now I understand. The code there is what takes the person to the top of the post article instead of where it continues from the post intro (summary). More information here: https://codex.www.ads-software.com/Customizing_the_Read_More
I’ve seen people in the past complain they didn’t like that scroll function and wanted to see the full post.
There is also another issue to consider. If someone uses excerpts for their blog post intros (summary) and that excerpt is part of a post that contains images or other elements in the first part of the post, the excerpt will strip those out. So if that scroll function was active and they go to click on “Read More”, they might miss seeing what did not show in the excerpt part because the person was put where the post continues at the anchor point. It means they would have to use the browser and scroll down to show the first part of the post they might have missed…again, if there were images or other elements there.
Kind of hard to explain actually, but hopefully what I wrote made sense? Even I had to read it a couple of times, haha.
However, to remove that function that takes that scroll function out, you would have to do that from a child theme level and create a new function that adds that functionality back in. This info might help…