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  • Hi @vverloop,

    – This could be a result of a plugin or theme conflict (usually caused by a caching or security plugin).. Please try a different theme temporarily such as Twenty Seventeen, or, disable all plugins and then check if the problem recurrs — then re-enable each one until you find which one caused the problem.

    – Try resetting permalink settings to Plain, Save Settings, and then back to your custom style, then Save Settings

    Thread Starter Vincent Verloop


    Resetting Permalink does not the trick.

    I use:
    Yootheme Pro
    W3 Total Cache

    Your plugin should work with these template/plugins.

    I’m looking further, disable plugins until it is working again, to find the conflict.

    Hi @vverloop,

    Of course the plugin “should” work, but a conflict is not always the fault of the plugin you are using — it is a matter of technological compatibility. So please disable all other plugins to see if that solves your problem and let me know if that works.

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