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  • jd5am


    For multiple choice type questions, the ‘answer provided’ is always blank FOR ANY QUESTION with a single speech mark.

    I have tried this on various installations of your theme and confirm this to be a bug.

    WordPress version: 4.2.2
    Quiz Master Next version:
    Operating system and browser: Mac OS & Google chrome

    Steps to recreate the bug:
    create a MULTIPLE CHOICE type question with the following answers to select from:

    Question: Select the correct statement
    Answer 1:Pat can to have Jims hat. -> Points worth: 0 -> Correct Answer: un-ticked
    Answer 2: Pat can to have Jim’s hat. -> Points worth: 0 -> Correct Answer: un-ticked
    Answer 3: Pat can have Jims’ hat. -> Points worth: 0 -> Correct Answer: un-ticked
    Answer 4: Pat can have Jim’s hat. -> Points worth: 1 -> Correct Answer: ticked

    User then selects the correct answer in preview mode.

    Expected Result:
    Select the correct statement
    Answer Provided: Pat can have Jim’s hat.
    Correct Answer: Pat can have Jim’s hat.
    Comments Entered:

    Actual Result:
    Select the correct statement
    Answer Provided: [BLANK]
    Correct Answer: Pat can have Jim’s hat.
    Comments Entered:

    Can you have questions that are conditional on the response to the answers to other questions?

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