• Plugin Contributor Joost de Valk



    Before you create your own thread on these forums, we’d like you to read this first, maybe we can help you a lot faster. First of all, we’re not always extremely active on these support forums, because we prioritize our premium support customers, of course, you could be one of them! But even if you’re not a paying customer, that doesn’t mean we’re not there for you. There are several ways in you can find the answers to your questions:

    • Yoast help center
      Every admin page has its own Help Center. This contains a video to help you understand what’s happening on that page.

      You can learn more about the help center in this post on yoast.com.

    • Search the Yoast Knowledge Base
      If the help center doesn’t have the answer, maybe the Yoast Knowledge Base does. It offers you answers to questions about both free and premium Yoast plugins. The knowledge base is maintained on a daily basis by the Yoast Support Team.

      You can find the Yoast Knowledge base on https://kb.yoast.com.

    • Search the support forums
      If neither of the above work, search these forums first. We think that most general questions have been asked already. This means that a proper forum search can help you answer a lot of questions. So fire up your search skills and see if you can get your questions answered here!

      And if you see a question you can answer, please be part of our community and help others out! It’s much appreciated!

    • Found a bug? Use GitHub
      If you’ve discovered a bug in our software, the best place to report it is on GitHub. This is where the Yoast developers are active. They’ll review your bug report and triage the bug. The more relevant details you add to your report, the faster bugs are usually solved. You can find our bugreports repo here on GitHub, remember to search first, on GitHub too!

    Premium personal support
    As mentioned above, at Yoast we differentiate between free and premium support. If you buy Yoast SEO premium, that includes a year of updates and premium support. This means you can send us an email at any time with questions about the setup and basic use of your licensed plugin. We answer 99% of emails within 24 hours, and usually much, much faster!

    If you want premium support, go get Yoast SEO Premium today!

    Good to see you got this far, welcome on the Yoast SEO support forums, we hope we’ll be able to help you solve your problems!

    Team Yoast

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