I’ve tried erasing it and reinstalling a couple of times, and the problem seems to be, that it does not install a storage folder:
”Action denied in /kunder/falconliftscom/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/all-in-one-wp-migration/lib/controller/class-ai1wm-main-controller.php on line 295”
”All in One WP Migration is not able to create /kunder/falconliftscom/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/all-in-one-wp-migration/storage folder. You will need to create this folder and grant it read/write/execute permissions (0777) for the All in One WP Migration plugin to function properly.”
When I manually create a folder, and set the permissions to 777. Then I am able to import my backupfile, and it loads and umpacks without any problems. But it does not import anything to to wp-content folder, and the site is totally wrecked.
Is this a hosting problem? And what shall I ask for to solve the problem?
The content is imported but plugins, themes etc. are not.
It’s pretty frustrating as I need the site uploaded ASAP