• rock76rock


    I can’t figure out why my sidebar has disappeared out of my control panel in the widgets area. Listed under my “available widgets” is NOTHING and NO SIDEBAR!!! My live site still shows the sidebar but now it is missing in the control panel I cannot edit it ARRRRGGGHHHH!!!!!

    I have tried resetting my widgets with “Widget Saver” plugin which hasn’t worked. It has now just removed my Text box info so now not only can I not edit it, it shows an ugly error message on the live website https://www.bodyfitredemption.com.au

    Could someone please help?????

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  • tasty.donuts


    I would try disabling all of your widget-related plugins and see if that does not correct the error first, it looks like something has modified or is conflicting with your widgets.php file (located at /home/bodyfitr/public_html/wp-includes/widgets.php).

    This is what line 858 looks like in my widgets.php:

    if ( empty($wp_registered_sidebars[$index]) || !array_key_exists($index, $sidebars_widgets) ||

    Thread Starter rock76rock


    That widget error is now fixed however I still can’t resolve my sidebar issue. I know my sidebar is SOMEWHERE however I cannot edit it in the usual place in the widget section in the control panel. Thanks for your reply.

    Thread Starter rock76rock


    I think I could be getting closer to where the problem might be, but I still don’t know how to fix it. When I am on the widgets page in the control panel the “screen options” button to the top right of the screen is there but when I click it, it doesn’t drop down to show the options like it does on the other pages, posts etc sections.

    Also when looking in my Editor I can’t find a widgets.php file, could that have anything to do with it?? I have looked at my files in filezilla and there is one there.

    Could someone out there please tell me how to get my screen options back for the widgets page?





    Also when looking in my Editor I can’t find a widgets.php file, could that have anything to do with it?? I have looked at my files in filezilla and there is one there.

    You can either attempt to edit that file through your host’s dashboard where they might have a file browser / editor or simply download the file via FTP, look/edit/etc. on your computer with a program like TextMate and then upload.

    Thread Starter rock76rock


    Thanks but I don’t know how I am supposed to be editing it to make the screen options come back or even if that is the problem? I am feeling extremely retarded atm!




    Thanks but I don’t know how I am supposed to be editing it to make the screen options come back or even if that is the problem? I am feeling extremely retarded atm!

    I don’t really know what to tell you, PHP isn’t exactly my specialty. If something got messed up there you could always try starting from a fresh widgets.php (that you can download the files for from www.ads-software.com.).

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