• Well, I have a website for my graphic design business, and our News section is made with simple html and styled along with the CSS of the whole website. I installed the WordPress app for hostmonster. First off, I can’t actually see the wordpress page when I go to my website. Second, I wanted to use the wordpress page as my ‘News’ page, but I have no clue how to go about doing this. So, to summarize it, I want to use the wordpress blog as a page for my website (styled like the rest of my website), I just don’t know how to substitute my news page with the wordpress page. I have a decent knowledge of html and CSS. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.

    Here’s my site (might help figure it out?)


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  • Where did you install the wordpress files? You need to point your browser to that directory.

    Thread Starter lauderc84


    Well, the files are in the same directory as the rest of my main files. What I’m having trouble with is figuring out which file to rename so I can redirect the file to that page. What I mean by that is, for example my home page would be index.html, what’s the name of the file for the wordpress page?

    Thanks for your prompt reply by the way.

    wordpress uses index.php
    the problem arises when trying to run both from the root

    the easiest thing to do would be create a folder called “News” and move wordpress there – then link to it from your main page

    or give this a try
    Replace the green code as seen in #9203 with the red code, in your /wp-includes/canonical.php file.

    You are welcome.

    The wordpress file is index.php – but your server wont pick it up since you have an index.html. The two files are conflicting.

    For wordpress to work it needs to have its own directory i.e blog, so you gona either have to move your main site into a different directory if your want wordpress to be your main site – or move wordpress.

    The wordpress page is index.php.
    You need to install wordpress in a folder under your domain root. Something like Yourdomain.com/news would be perfect.

    Then you can send people to the news page through a link in your HTML Home page.

    But seriously, WordPress is a powerful CMS and more than qualified to be your homepage and news page.

    In the back end of WordPress, you can create as many pages for your website as you need. Then, in the general settings, you can set one of your pages as the home page and set another one as your blog/news page.

    If you are adept enough to make web pages with HTML and CSS, it wouldn’t take long for you to install a theme that resembles your site and tweak it to your liking.

    The look of WordPress pages are a combination of several files you can open and edit in the Appearance > Edit section of the admin console.

    Here are the files that make up one of my current site themes:

    404 Template (404.php)
    Archives (archive.php)
    Comments (comments.php)
    Footer (footer.php)
    Header (header.php)
    Main Index Template (index.php)
    Page Template (page.php)
    Search Form (searchform.php)
    Search Results (search.php)
    Single Post (single.php)
    Theme Functions (functions.php)
    archives.php (archives.php)
    legacy.comments.php (legacy.comments.php)
    links.php (links.php)
    sidebar1.php (sidebar1.php)

    Stylesheet (style.css)
    style.ie6.css (style.ie6.css)
    style.ie7.css (style.ie7.css)

    The Main Index Template (index.php) fires when a visitor reaches your WordPress site. It calls several other php files above to build your page.

    Header.php constructs your header with your banner etc.
    Sidebar.php builds your sidebar.
    Page.php handles building the meat and potatoes -your main content area.
    Footer.php constructs the footer.

    All of this is done while obeying the relavant style.css file and the settings stored in your site’s SQL database.

    Open index.php to see what it’s doing.

    WordPress PHP files write the html for the page the user want’s to see on the fly.

    Thread Starter lauderc84


    I’m going to give it a try as soon as I can. I really appreciate the help from all of you.

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