Hello @theblinkagency
Hope you’re doing well today!
I am sorry to hear about the issue you are facing with ReCaptcha not showing on your form. I wasn’t able to make a test with the Flatsome theme as it seems to be a 3rd party paid theme.
There could be multiple factors that could cause such issues, could you please confirm if you are able to see the reCaptcha preview after you’ve configured the keys? Please refer to the below screenshot.
If it shows fine in the preview but not on the frontend of the site, it could mean that there could be some conflict involved.
Since you specifically mention about Flatsome theme, can you please let me know if it works fine with any Default WordPress theme like for example TwentyTwentyFour (2024)?
Also, on the page where the reCaptcha should load, could you please “right-click” to open web-inspector >> console and check if there are any errors reported?
Could you please share some information on the below points which will help us to further check the issue.
– Please let us know if the reCaptcha preview works fine
– Please let us know if the reCaptcha works as expected with a Default 2024 theme.
– Let us know if there are any errors reported on the console
Lastly, please share your site URL for the page where we can check the form with the reCaptcha issue.
Awaiting your response.
Kind Regards,