Hi @kaylag423, thanks for getting in touch about this!
I do suspect in this case it’s down to incompatibility with your app’s login page, or at least somewhere along the login process where the reCAPTCHA score needs to be analyzed to let the login take place. Our reCAPTCHA and 2FA are primarily designed to be compatible with the default WordPress and WooCommerce logins only, which is why /my-account seems to be working here. An error message is unlikely to display either as the HTML element(s) on your app’s page may not match the WordPress/WooCommerce ones we’re looking for.
We have found that developers or anybody manually able to edit their custom login pages could try to make other forms compatible by naming elements similarly to the default pages: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/the-logging-with-the-form-in-the-frontend-of-the-site-always-gives-an-error/#post-17747476
We are looking into further compatibility with other popular plugins in future, although I can’t comment on any timescales or choices around which may become compatible. There’s currently no configurable list of pages that can be excluded from reCAPTCHA when it’s enabled. There may be other plugins, or add-ons for membership plugins you’re using that could add a compatible reCAPTCHA to your forms instead. It?is?possible to run Wordfence with its Login Security features disabled so that you can still benefit from our site scans and real-time protection.
If the “ALL TRAFFIC” toggle is set rather than “SECURITY ONLY” in Live Traffic, I see the following line when a signup takes place:
left url.com/wp-login.php?action=register and visited url.com/wp-login.php?checkemail=registered
Not all site administrators wish to filter through legitimate and successful page requests when security events occur, and there are obviously database considerations when logging more traffic more often. However, if you require that information to be logged it’ll be shown in that mode.