• Edwin.



    reCaptcha not working anymore. If you load the page it is appearing shortly and then disappears.

    Back to version 1.3.1 didn’t help. I deleted the reCaptcha field in all my forms.

    Do I need this reCaptcha if Akismet processor and hidden field for spambots is activated? If yes is there an alternative for reCaptcha. It is not the first time it stopped working.

    Thanks for your help.

    Regards, Edwin


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  • Plugin Contributor David Cramer


    technically no, akismet is pretty good.

    the issue is not actually with CF but a code change in the reCaptcha code base.
    I fixed the field to use the new code so it should work now. try v1.3.1.2 and let me know.

    Thread Starter Edwin.


    Thanks for your feedback. I will keep you informed.

    I am having a similar problem. ReCaptcha just ignored and Submit works without having to tick “not a Robot”!

    I am having the same problem as @halfcj – forms can be submitted without having to tick the ReCaptcha button.

    Just out of interest, is there an alternative anti-spam function to ReCaptcha for Caldera Forms? Say for example, the ability to add a simple math sum that requires a correct answer?

    Example: What is 4 + 4?
    Example: What is the color of snow?

    Thanks for an amazing plugin and for any support provided here.

    David say the truth, the ReCaptcha is work fine, just update to the new Caldera-WP version, for additional maybe you can make a simple anti spam/robot for Caldera-WP;

    set HTML element to show snippet from random math puzzle, with the answer start with odd Values

    make a new Single Line Text Element Type; name it Answer and set the Required button

    set the Conditional Fail Processor for the Answer, with condition ‘Don’t Use’;
    If Answer starts with 1, 3, 5, 7, 9

    Hope this help, Tq

    Same problem with recaptcha as halfcj and wpliving. No validation on the recaptcha field. Form sends without ticking the “I’m not a robot” box.

    Anyone else with this issue? Any ideas on how to bugfix and resolve?

    I’m using the current version of WordPress 4.5.2 and Avada-Theme.

    Hi celinehag,

    Please visit your Google ReCaptcha account and get the new reCAPTCHA:


    and update that on your form, tq

    Hi Guys.,

    I’m sorry not to pay attention “can submit without ticking” Yesterday, David answer is for Google ReCaptcha last 6mo ago update, but for the now Google ReCaptcha update i think this was a bug, but it’s not dissappear like before bug,,

    mine is v1.3.5.2 it still show the bug.

    guest what? the update news for this bug is the bug was already fixed and maybe will be available later on the next version;

    The update is to make recaptchas required with styling to show if not completed, tq

    Hi scraido,
    thanks for your reply. Will install the caldera update as soon as it becomes available. Until then … no recaptcha on my forms. Keeping fingers crossed that spam bots won`t bury me.
    Regards, C

    Hi C,

    i’ve updated to and it still show the bug, from the Github i hear it will present on 1.3.6, maybe now the thing that we can do is just wait and see for the newest info ??

    Hey Guys,
    just headed over to GitHub to see what ist going on there. Found this entry by the developer. I think we’re fine w/o recaptchas. For me this closes the issue:

    Shelob9 commented 23 days ago

    “We are slowly phasing out the recpatchas beacuse they are not needed for anti-spam — the default honey pot is more effective and are bad for conversions. Also, we are about to start a major effor=t ot improve accessibility.

    Currently recapthas are purely cosmetic and are not validated, since the honeypot still works, this makes anti-spam more effective. We are worried about changes in layout if they are removed from the form that is the main reason they are still there. We don’t have a good system for that yet but I am thinking on it for the next release, see #570″

    Regards, C

    Thanks for the info C it’s really help ??

    Regards, S

    Hi C.,

    I just want to give you information that The ReCaptchas is worked on CF V1.3.3.2,,

    You can test it on my Sample Page >>here<<

    Hope this help, Tq

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