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  • I’ve had same problem and found that CF7 didn’t properly attach reCaptcha’s API.

    You’ll need to insert the following inside template with form in it, or globally:
    (insert before call for wp_head())

    wp_register_script('recaptcha_api', '');

    …or just hardcode script into site header (maybe even footer)

    Also I don’t like that after message is sent, anchor link is still present in url (like contact/#wpcf7-f326-p41-o1), which resends message on every page reload and browser always ask “are you sure you want to resend your data?”.
    Found nice solution for that:
    (insert this js somewere inside page with contact form)

    var reg = window.location.href;
    reg = reg.replace(/#wpcf7.+$/i, "");
    window.history.pushState('Some String','Title', reg);

    @robert did you find out why CF7 didn’t properly attach reCaptcha’s API?

    Adding your script enqueue worked for me, but I suspect it is because my theme prevented the call from being sent. I only think this because others are able to use the captcha without this code snippet and because of this post –

    I am also facing this issue. Sometimes reCaptcha displayed on Contact form and sometimes it does not. Anyone know how to fix?

    We are experiencing the same issue as ^ Surenderk ^

    The reCaptcha displaying seems completely random. Clearing out caches and refreshing multiple times occasionally allows it to display.

    See the form below:

    Not sure this is to do with the API not being called.

    Having similar issue. Have searched all over trying to find answers. Using contactform7/avada theme. The recaptcha completely stopped displaying recently, maybe 3 weeks ago. It only shows up on microsoft edge. Does not show up in chrome, firefox or safari. I have seen this on two sites running avada theme. I checked a site running contactform7/divi theme. It shows up on all four browsers. Thoughts?

    I had the same problem. The captcha showed 1 out of 10 times after refreshing the page. I did now add the two lines from robert, and it works fine. Still, this has to be considered a bad hack.

    I always liked CF7 for it simpleness and good performance, and in combination with “WP recaptcha integration” the contact form worked perfectly. Unfortunately they decided to remove CF7 support as CF7 does now use its “own” recaptcha implementation – which obviously is not working well. great.



    Thx, Robert. This works.

    Even this is mysterious …

    Inserted the code into functions.php. Worked! (Childstheme)

    wp_register_script(‘recaptcha_api’, ‘’);


    I had to manually upload the recaptcha api.js file into a directory on my server in order to get it to work. Here is the link:

    I downloaded it and uploaded it to a folder at the same level as my wp-content folder as /recaptcha/api.js

    What a drag.

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