13700, let’s go through it:
1. You mention a Recent Comments plugin. This would have at the very least a “template tag” one is required to add to a template to display those comments. This is what’s referred to by ~ recent comment stuff ~
2. The code I list above would be added to the template where you want the comments to appear. If this is in a sidebar, this would typically be the sidebar.php template. If you want it displayed on a Page somewhat where a Page’s content usually displays, then it would be your page.php (or index.php when no page.php exists with a theme).
3. To display recent comments on a *specific* Page, you have two options:
* Change the if statement to:
<?php if(is_page('Page Title')) : ?>
This tests on whether we are not only on a Page, but the Page has the title of Page Title. More information on restricting is_page() is found here:
* You can set up a custom Page template using the Recent Comments tag/code/whatever (copying your current page.php and editing the copy is easiest for this) and assign that template to the Page(s) you want to display it on. More on custom Page templates can be found here:
Note in this case you don’t need the is_page() code from above, since assigning a Page template to a specific Page provides the restriction you’re looking for.