• Resolved magicpowers


    Is this a known issue?

    Few days ago I was prompted to update my Woocommerce database – which I did, as I normally do.

    Today, I received an email from my customer saying that they have made the payment yet were unable to download the audio from the link in the checkout, and did not receive the email with the download links.

    The order is showing as complete and I did receive the payment, so I quickly sent my customer a download link to the purchased audio from my Dropbox, profusely apologizing for the inconvenience.

    I then tested the downloads of my three (3) audio products and here is what I discovered to my shock and horror:

    1. I was able to successfully download only ONE out of my three products.
    2. Two products returned a 403 Permission Denied – “You do not have permission for this request….followed by the download URL of the product.
    3. On top of that, one of those two products had the encryption removed from the URL.

    I had to remove and add the audio file from scratch to ensure that the link is encrypted. Now it works.

    I also had to remove and add from scratch the audios for the second of those two Permission Denied products, even though they were not changed. Now they work. (this product has three audio files.

    Can you please explain how could this have happened?? There were no other issues with my store, and I tested and checked all downloads only a couple of months ago.

    Clearly, the recent database update has corrupted the links. Is this is a know issue? Do I have to check all my links and the whole store after every database update? I don’t like this sort of surprises when my customers tell me they can’t download my products after they have paid, and I need to scramble to send them the links outside of my store with profuse apology for the inconvenience. After this sort of bad experience they are not likely to come back.

    Could you please explain and advise.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Support ckadenge (woo-hc)


    Hi there @magicpowers,

    I’m afraid the issue you’ve described is not a known issue.

    The updates are designed to improve the functionality of your store and not to corrupt or alter your product links. However, it is possible that an interruption during the update process or a conflict with another plugin may have caused this unusual behavior.

    To prevent this from happening in the future, we recommend the following steps:

    1. Always backup your WooCommerce store before applying any updates. This allows you to restore the previous version if any issues arise.
    2. Ensure all other plugins are updated and compatible with the latest version of WooCommerce.
    3. On a staging site, test your store, including the checkout and download process, after applying updates to ensure everything is working as expected.

    If you continue to experience problems, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We’re here to help!

    Thread Starter magicpowers



    thanks for your reply.
    I’m certain that this issue was caused during the recent update of my WC database, be it as a one off error. Still, I would strongly encourage all WC users to check their store links after each database update.

    A couple of issues still remain:
    1. How can I backup my WC store separately from backing up the whole site?
    2. There is no way to run a database update as a test, even on my staging site, as my database there is different from my production site. It’s not a plugin update that I can test first on staging

      Speaking of updates – why are you forcing users to install the WC Updates Manager? Automatic updates are dangerous, as you well know, so your prompt to install it is counterintuitive and counterproductive, which is surprising, really.

      There is no way I would ever install it. I’ve had some serious problems with your plugin updates in the past so will not risk them again. I don’t like being forced to install anything on my website, either.

      Plugin Support Zubair Zahid (woo-hc)


      Hello magicpowers,

      Thank you for your reply.

      I understand your concerns regarding the updates.
      I assure you that we are not forcing any plugins or tools to be installed on your site.
      That is and will remain your decision and we respect that.

      Please note that usually, a WordPress site relies on different plugins from different vendors.
      As we suggested earlier, it is always safe to test the updates on a staging site first and then on the live site.

      The database update is part of the plugin update.
      Once the WooCommerce plugin is updated to a newer version, a database update is also triggered.
      This is done to ensure the latest features work properly.

      To understand what could have caused this issue, I will need to review your site.
      Could you share your site’s System Status Report?
      You can find it via WooCommerce > Status.
      Select Get system report and then Copy for support.

      Once you’ve done that, you can paste the text in https://gist.github.com
      After that, you can paste the Gist link here in your reply.

      Looking forward to your response. ??

      Best regards.

      Thread Starter magicpowers


      Thanks for your reply.

      I always update WC on my staging site first. However, the database updates are not received at the same time on each site. I got it on the production site only at that time, and there is no way for me to test it on staging.

      Secondly, please note that testing of my WooCommerce store on the staging site is very limited as this site is not live, it is not public, and no one can place orders there. So I can’t test anything to do with orders, payments, checkout or downloads of the purchased products on this site.

      I don’t want to spend any more time on this issue. Since you can’t think of the cause, we need to assume that it was a one-off bug which won’t happen again.


      ?? hi @magicpowers

      Thank you for reaching back, with further details on this.

      Let’s loop back to the original inquiry, for a moment, and take things from the top:

      Today, I received an email from my customer saying that they have made the payment yet were unable to download the audio from the link in the checkout, and did not receive the email with the download links.

      In some cases, issues can arise that prevent your WooCommerce shop from sending emails, or your shoppers from receiving them. In this document, we are addressing some common issues that can occur with shop emails, and how to troubleshoot them.

      I had to remove and add the audio file from scratch to ensure that the link is encrypted. Now it works.

      While the default downloadable product settings work for most Woo merchants, some merchants may find that they need a different configuration. This page guides you through the different downloadable product configurations to help you find one that fits your needs.?

      1. How can I backup my WC store separately from backing up the whole site?

      Best to take a look at the update instructions, found in the documentation, in case the chance to do so did not occur yet.

      2. There is no way to run a database update as a test, even on my staging site, as my database there is different from my production site. It’s not a plugin update that I can test first on staging

      To clarify, how is the staging site created? For reference, when creating a staging site on my local machine, for testing before performing code/plugin/theme updates, all the related options are there.

      Speaking of updates –?why are you forcing users to install the WC Updates Manager??Automatic updates are dangerous, as you well know, so your prompt to install it is counterintuitive and counterproductive, which is surprising, really.

      I’d recommend taking a look at this post, for further details on the new Woo.com update manager extension.

      Just to note, enabling auto-updates is optional, and ideally would go hand-in-hand with having a backup system already in place.

      Secondly, please note that testing of my WooCommerce store on the?staging site?is very limited as this site is?not live, it is not public, and no one can place orders there.?So I can’t test anything to do with orders, payments, checkout or downloads of the purchased products on this site.

      Feel free to use a tool like https://localwp.com/, which allows for intercepting outbound emails, along with any of the WooCommerce core payment methods.

      I trust that points you in the right direction, but if you have more questions, let us know.

      We’re happy to help.

      Thread Starter magicpowers


      hi @anastas10s

      thanks for your reply. I’d like to address your points.

      1. As I said, the issue was not just the email, but also the download links in the checkout did not work. When clicked in the checkout, the links opened a blank page with the error message I have quoted.
      2. I have configured my downloads correctly – with the ONLY way I can use with my current website host. I tested all the download links and they worked perfectly with the correct configuration
      3. Your colleague said I need to backup my WC store. You are talking about updating my WC plugin to the current version and backing up the whole site. To “back up” is not the same as to “update”. Backing up my whole site is a different issue. My question was – how can I back up my WC store separately – as this is what your colleague has implied.
      4. My staging site is created on the same server as a clone of my production site. It is connected to the internet and receives plugin and WP updates. It shares the database with the production site, I believe (would need to check with my host). I keep it permanently in the Maintenance mode so that it can’t be accessed by the public. My point however was about the WooCommerce database. I don’t know whether it is separate to my site database or a part of it. Either way, updating the WC DATABASE (not my website database, and not the plugin!) on STAGING will not be the same as the database update I will run on the production site. These two databases are not connected and can behave differently. They also have different content as I don’t keep my staging store and products up to date necessarily.
      5. Regarding the recommended WC Update Manager – I don’t allow auto updates of any plugins not even my WordPress.
      6. The tool you suggest to test my WC on staging will not do what I need to test – inbound orders, purchase, payments etc. I can’t test this on my staging site.

      *** Speaking of updates – there is yet another issue.
      My current WC version is 8.8.3. Today I received a WordPress notification email saying that
      * The Plugin “WooCommerce” needs an upgrade (8.8.3 -> 8.9.0).

      The problem is that there is NO OPTION to update the plugin on my plugins page.
      My updates are working fine – I have updated two other plugins today.

      Could you please advise what seems to be the problem and how can I update my WC plugin. I do hope that this is not a strategy to enforce the installation of your Updates Manager as I will not do that.


      Plugin Support Shameem R. a11n


      Hi @magicpowers

      As I said, the issue was not just the email, but also the download links in the checkout did not work. When clicked in the checkout, the links opened a blank page with the error message I have quoted.

      This is indeed unusual, as updates should not affect the file paths or permissions, but sometimes unexpected issues can occur due to server configurations or other factors.

      However, can you please check whether the Approved Download Directories’s permission has been changed or not? More info: https://woocommerce.com/document/approved-download-directories/

      Also, can you please head over to WooCommerce → Status → Tools and do the following:

      • WooCommerce transients – Clear
      • Expired transients – Clear
      • Clear template cache – Clear
      • Capabilities – Reset Capabilities
      • Clear customer sessions -Clear
      • Product lookup tables – Regenerate
      • Regenerate the product attributes lookup table – Regenerate
      • Synchronize approved download directories – Update

      Additionally, don’t forget to flush your permalink settings as well. To do so navigate to Settings -> Permalink -> Click on the Save Changes button without changing anything. More info: https://support.hostinger.com/en/articles/3490582-how-to-recreate-permalinks-on-wordpress

      Your colleague said I need to backup my WC store. You are talking about updating my WC plugin to the current version and backing up the whole site. To “back up” is not the same as to “update”. Backing up my whole site is a different issue. My question was – how can I back up my WC store separately – as this is what your colleague has implied.

      Unfortunately, WooCommerce doesn’t offer a way to backup the store data separately as it’s integrated with your WordPress database. However, there are plugins like Jetpack’s backup or UpdraftPlus that can help you backup your entire site, including the WooCommerce data.

      The tool you suggest to test my WC on staging will not do what I need to test – inbound orders, purchase, payments etc. I can’t test this on my staging site.

      For testing inbound orders, purchases, and payments, you may want to consider using a plugin like WP Staging or Duplicator to create a clone of your site. This will allow you to conduct these tests without impacting your live site.

      My current WC version is 8.8.3. Today I received a WordPress notification email saying that
      * The Plugin “WooCommerce” needs an upgrade (8.8.3 -> 8.9.0).

      We removed the WC 8.9 release as it has some known issues. So, the latest version is 8.8.3. More info: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/woocommerce-8-9-updates/

      I hope this clarifies your concern. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask.

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