So if you wan’t to let me help you please aswer this:
1.Please tell me exacly what you want! So you do not want thumbnails you want to play the videos normally in place as they are now or am I wrong? Do you actually understand what the thumbnail mode means? Because to me it looks like you have no idea.
abswer: I would like my existing videos to display as before. I do not use thumbnails
2.Why where there thumbnails on that site if you do not want them?
answer: I added the thumbnail code to try to see if it would work
3.What exact shortcodes did you use on the sites that are not working and what exact shortcodes did you use on that site that are displaying thumbnails even if you do not want them?
answer:[youtube id=”TYB8agv1Dwk” mode=”normal” align=”left”]
4.Why did you speak about “editing thumbnails option for all videos” please explain? Did you mean by that editing a mode=”thumbnail” into your shortcodes or what? That did help? If yes in what way? From beeing not displayed at all to beeing displayed as thumbnails?
answer: installing colorbox and adding the thumbnail option helped but I do not want to use colorbox, would prefer as before
5.What options do you use? Specifically the ‘mode’ option.
answer:mode=”normal” align=”left”
Plus, I have as asked by you, downloaded the version and uploaded it. I am using WP3.7.1 and their theme 2012; simple site with no modifications and 10 plugins. no videos visible on this post no videos visible on this page.
I really hope this is of use to you Nico, I will leave this site like this for 24 hours if that is of use.