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  • Seems it’s not working with custom structure. I have similar to Mark’s setup, here’s my root folder:

    /.git (Git folder, obviously)
    /_ (Git ignored folder with Sublime Text project files etc)
    /content (copy of wp-content – languages, themes, plugins, uploads, backups)
    /core (original wordpress folder)

    Plugin does NOT report any errors while commiting, it produces empty .sql dump (0 bytes), says that commit was successful but it’s not present it my local Git repo or remote (

    Everything was tested under Windows 7, Nginx 1.7, PHP 5.5 with OPcache, MariaDB 5.5, Memcached 1.4 (with php5-memcached extension). Exec and Passthru enabled. WordPress 3.9.1. Git 1.8.3.msysgit.0

    Plugin Author Expanded Fronts



    Revisr was designed to work with the WordPress installation being in the root of the git repository. Any structure changes inside of that shouldn’t affect that, but in this case it looks like the WordPress installation is in a “core” subdirectory.

    If it is not compatible with your structure, you will be notified with an error on the Revisr dashboard.

    Also, we just pushed out a release that should address most errors on Windows installations. Please let me know if you have any further questions.

    Thank you.

    Lucas, Ihor,

    Did you figure out a way to get this to work with WordPress in a subdirectory? ie

    I’ve got the same setup and it would be great to be able to use this plugin.


    Just to follow up on this track.

    I testet this today with no luck.
    My folder-structure was like the following, similar to Skeleton, but originally from wordpress-capistrano.

        │   ├───languages
        │   ├───logs
        │   ├───mu-plugins
        │   ├───plugins
        │   ├───themes
        │   └───uploads
        │   ├───capistrano
        │   ├───grunt
        │   └───npm_modules

    Revisr detected the WordPress submodule in folder /wp as my repo.
    Unfortunately there was no notification like mentioned above.

    Would love to see revisr handle this in future!

    Plugin Author Expanded Fronts


    Hi All,

    Just to follow up on this, the latest release allows you to define the path to the repo that Revisr should use. It’s actually very similar to setting the ABSPATH and can be done with the following:

    define( 'REVISR_GIT_PATH', dirname( __FILE__ ) );

    Of course the dirname( __FILE__ ) can be changed or modified to better suite your environment. This should be placed in ‘wp-config.php’ or ‘local-config.php’ if you have one.

    Revisr still has no official submodule support (yet), so if you have WP core files stored away as a submodule, you’ll need to update that manually or temporarily change the REVISR_GIT_PATH constant to the path of the submodule, commit the changes in Revisr, then switch back to to the path of the main repo (somewhat of a pain right now, but workable and being improved on).

    If anyone has any suggestions or feedback in this area, I’d love to hear them!

    Plugin Author Expanded Fronts


    Sorry, typo above. Should be:

    define( ‘REVISR_GIT_DIR’, dirname( __FILE__ ) );

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