• Resolved coxy17


    Hi, does this plugin require someone to visit the website to process/trigger the daily recurring payments, as i have tested the free version of the plugin and i setup a subscription with saved cards via stripe and it worked for the first day of a subscription payment, then yesterday no one visited the website (no payment was processed), then today it worked ok and charged the client.

    so to summarise im missing a day of a subscription and all that i can think which caused the problem is no website visitors yesterday. Does your plugin rely on someone visiting the website to run the daily schedule?


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  • Plugin Author WP Swings


    Hello @coxy17 ,

    Thanks for using our plugin,

    we are using the scheduler to perform the renewal action.
    the scheduler will run when your site has some traffic.


    Thread Starter coxy17


    ok so as my website had no traffic that day the payment was never processed. Even on the next day when the site had traffic. So I’m assuming the payment for the previous day will not be actioned once the day has passed?

    would this mean I need a cron job to make sure there is site traffic

    Plugin Author WP Swings



    The payment should trigger, please tell us which payment gateway you are using and is there no renewal happened with any subscription you have customers

    Thank you

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