• Resolved MrsJessicaSimpson


    Hi, yar-all.

    Installed, left everything as default: and it all looks good, but on the back TAB it says this.

    Manage Updates
    General Plugins Themes [ Advanced ] — the warning below is highlighted in red.

    Force Automatic Updates

    Automatic updates are disabled.

    Please check your wp-config.php file for AUTOMATIC_UPDATER_DISABLED and remove the line.

    This will attempt to force automatic updates. This is useful for debugging.


    Really don’t want to be manually editing system files, and if I’m forced to: (on a vanilla system), then to my mind there’s something amiss.

    My query: until something updates, then I won’t know if the plugin works.
    My question: will the above warning stop the plugin from working at all?

    All looking good so far, and just asking.


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  • Thread Starter MrsJessicaSimpson


    My goodness, but that gets complicated real quick.

    OK : to remove that error above? – If that’s what it was.

    I re-edited the WP-CONFIG.PHP file and took out that line about AUTOMATIC UPDATES.

    – But, before I did that: I found out that you have to change the WP-CONFIG.PHP file permissions to 700 [r/w/e] by owner, from it’s default of 400, which is read only by the owner ie: [r/x/x/]


    I managed to crash the ftp-program in attempting to edit a protected file with transfer errors all over the place.


    Finally uploading the modified system file, and then refreshing my site: I fully expected the worse, and to be prudent; I kept the ftp-program file open and ready to reset everything. I’ve crashed out my site big time before now, and know all the tricks of the trade; like keeping everything open and live whilst updating, so you at least have a chance to get the recovery underway.


    To my intense relief and delight the modification didn’t smash my site, the red TAB warning disappeared, and the updater program says ( nothing! ) – So I still don’t know if it will work or not, but the warnings have gone.

    The above information has been added to help anyone else wondering what will happen.

    BTW – developer: your WiKi saying, …

    If you find the line define(‘AUTOMATIC_UPDATER_DISABLED’, true);,
    remove it and try the Force Updates button in the Advanced section of the Easy Updates Manager settings.

    If Force Updates works, then the plugin/WordPress will check for automatic updates every twelve hours from then on out.

    After reading the above, I was still none the wiser on whether I should/could/or even needed to take such draconian action on my root directory.

    – But I have done: and my site seems to be functioning, but I’m a bag of nerves in re-editing that system file.

    Perhaps a walk through might be an option, especially covering file permissions, – and also what this powerful file actually does. Looking through it very carefully: I realised that I could have ripped my database link from my site with the casual flick of a wayward finger.

    Really need to have a rest now and put my feet up, this old girl’s had it.

    P.S – URGENT WARNING: DON’T FORGET TO CHANGE THE FILE PERMISSIONS OF THE WP-CONFIG.PHP BACK TO 400, – Because it seems that this file can be hacked, and once a hacker gets hold of it: then your site is doooooomed to become a slave-Bot for spammers, or worse; perhaps it will become involved in the black art of re-mailing top secrets, and you’ll only know about it: when someone knocks on your door at five in the morning with flashing blue lights behind them.

    Nothing to do with updates, but everything to do with getting the updater to work.

    Feet up, and now snoring loudly.

    Plugin Contributor Venkat Raj


    Hi @mrsjessicasimpson,

    First thing is that by default there is no
    in wp-config.php file. So by default, you are not need to edit wp-config.php file.

    Possibly your hosting one click WP installer or the one who developed site may added that line to your config file. So, if you want to manage updates (as opposed to totally disable it) you need to remove that line.

    We understand the risks in doing so, Force update, etc That is why it is always best practice to take a backup of whole site before doing anything risky.

    UpdraftPlus is no.1 backup plugin for WordPress which is also from our team.

    Thread Starter MrsJessicaSimpson


    First thing is that by default there is no
    in wp-config.php file. So by default, you are not need to edit wp-config.php file.

    Never knew any of that, learning all the time and thanks for sharing.

    – Maybe you could mention (that fascinating fact) somewhere on your WiKi to basically stop old women like me having a melt down, and fretting, and a nervous break down to boot, whilst also losing a good night’s sleep, and not to mention my will to live.

    Would I say that that exercise stressed me out? – Yup! – Just a bit, but it’s over and now I’m looking forward to my first eMail telling me it’s all done and dusted back at base.

    BTW – Your Plugin’s interface is very easy to understand and straight forward, (five stars), and in saying that: then I don’t see why some old web foggies declared otherwise. In fact, the entire thing so far is 5 stars.

    UPDATES? – Yup did that before I started, ain’t I a good girl, but even that didn’t stop me stressing.

    Anyway: many thanks for your correspondence on this matter, it’s good to type.

    Plugin Contributor Venkat Raj


    I’m sorry for the inconvenience. I have added update FAQ section to our to do list. Thanks for suggesting that.

    Mean while, If all is well, Can you mark this thread as Resolved and write a Review? Thanks in advance!

    Thread Starter MrsJessicaSimpson


    Curiosity eminently **RESOLVED**: and also educated at the same time, but to a degree much more that perfect, more like superlative.

    Thank you.

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