• I have upgraded my 2.3.3 WordPress up to 2.5 release.

    Well, here are the problems and questions:

    1. How do I redesign my dashboard – remove the widgets like “comments”, since I own a blog with all posts closed for commenting. 2.3.3 just had the only line “Comments”, the 2.5 takes some space on the screen to show me that no comments are given to my posts.

    Also, I cannot squeeze the text-area field where I write my posts, so it is not convinient to edit post’s properties like categories, commenting options etc – all those that moved from the right side of my screen to the bottom of the “write” page.

    The tag pick-up field does not have a scroll-bar, so if your taglist is 200 tags long, you have to scroll-scroll-scroll the page downwards to pick correct tags.

    Tag editor does not have an option to merge tags (this one is solved by a third-party plugin).

    A plugin that crossposts to livejournal cannot be activated on 2.5 returning a fatal error. But I have no clues – what was that error.

    And, again, I would be glad to see a page to edit dashboard widgets, not only the widget my readers see.

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  • 1. On wp-admin.css add div#dashboard_recent_comments {display:none}

    2. No you cannot. The WordPress 2.5 screen design now has those things on the bottom.

    3. On wp-admin.css add div#tagchecklist {height: 50px}

    4. Post a feature request.

    5. Post this problem on the plugin’s site. Is it https://ebroder.net/livejournal-crossposter/ ?

    6. Post a feature request.

    I hope this helps.

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