• I’m trying to migrate a site from a multi-site DigitalOcean VM to another single site VM but am running into the following error:

    This page isn’t working
    signs2order.com redirected you too many times.

    Steps taken:
    1) backed up wordpress folder
    2) backed up mysql database
    3) created new Ubuntu Server VM with Apache behind NGINX reverse proxy
    4) decompressed and installed wordpress folder
    5) restored database
    6) pointed conf file to wordpress folder

    When I try to access the site I get a redirect error. For fun I set up a new wordpress install in another folder and pointed the conf file to that folder and connected without issue so I know my reverse proxy and new Lets Encrypt certificate is working.

    What could be causing the issue? The domain has not changed but the site was originally on a DigitalOcean VM using an Apache virtual host set up to manage four wordpress sites. Could there be something in the config or wp files that needs to be modified? Do I need to manually change something in the database?

    I’ve now tried to move two sites to my server [ redundant link removed ] with the same result.



    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Hello, Paul, & welcome.

    There are just a lot of things that can be going on, as setting up a VPS can be quite complex. Can we please start by looking at your Nginx config file, also any vhost configuration files?

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