• Resolved Lo?c Levêque



    I just would like to directly redirect the visitors after the end of a flash video.

    What code should I use for that?

    Thank you!

    [stop bumping your posts – it’s rude and against forum rules]

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  • Thread Starter Lo?c Levêque


    Sorry. Apologies.

    Thread Starter Lo?c Levêque


    Hi everyone,

    I just wanted a redirection after a flash video end.

    I just found a solution in Yahoo:

    <script type=”text/javascript”>
    var player = null;
    var playlist = null;

    function playerReady(obj)
    player = gid(obj.id);

    function addListeners()
    playlist = player.getPlaylist();

    if(playlist.length > 0)
    player.addModelListener(‘STATE’, ‘stateMonitor’);
    setTimeout(“addListeners();”, 100);

    function stateMonitor(obj)
    if(obj.newstate == ‘COMPLETED’)
    //…load a new page when the media file completes playing
    document.location = ‘https://www.yourpage.com&#8217;;

    function gid(name)
    return document.getElementById(name);

    I just copied that in my header and it works.

    I hope it can help someone else.

    Have a nice day.


    Can someone tell me where to copy this code, do I copy into the html tab when I’m creating a new post?


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