• cmundlos


    Hi there,

    I am currently running 4 self-hosted www.ads-software.com sites but still have one site (my first blog) https://sanford365.wordpress.com running on wordpress.com. I now want to switch that blog from wordpress.com to www.ads-software.com and have tested it on a trial site. It seems to be working fine, only problem, and that is my first question:

    1. The site is over 2 MB large (which is noted to be the limit;my blog is actually 4MB large when exported as XML file). How can I successfully import it into my the self hosted site?

    2. and this is really stressing me out,
    What am I going to do with all my RSS and Email RSS subscribers? I have tested it on a test blog and I couldn’t get the feed to work any longer after the import was complete. Is there a way to do this? Or will the redirection of my blog take care of this (see here https://en.support.wordpress.com/domain-mapping/redirecting-your-blog/) How can I do this without losing and confusing my readers??

    Thank you so much for your help!!! I have searched the web all over and haven’t found an answer to these questions…


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