Follow the steps mentioned below to achieve the desired result:
1. Open “wp-content/plugins/super-socializer/inc/social_login.php” in code editor.
2. Search following code:
$html .= '" onclick="theChampInitiateLogin(this)" />';
3. Replace the code searched above with following and save the file:
if(current_filter() == 'comment_form_top'){
$html .= '" onclick="theChampCommentFormLogin = true; theChampInitiateLogin(this)" />';
$html .= '" onclick="theChampInitiateLogin(this)" />';
4. Open “wp-content/plugins/super-socializer/js/front/social_login/common.js” in code editor.
5. Search following code:
function theChampInitiateLogin(icon){
6. Place following code above the code searched above
var theChampCommentFormLogin = false;
7. Search following code:
location.href = '<?php echo the_champ_get_login_redirection_url(); ?>';
8. Replace the code searched above with following and save the file
location.href = '<?php echo the_champ_get_login_redirection_url(); ?>'+(theChampCommentFormLogin ? '/#commentform' : '');
Now when user will login from the G+ Social Login icon at comment form, he will get redirected to the comment form.
I will soon fix this issue with Twitter login and let you know.