• I use redirection on a WPML website with WooCommerce. SInce we don’t use the productcategorypages of WooCommerce but custom pages in stead, i need the redirection plugin to redirect the visitor from the productcategorypage to the right custom page.The only place I need this are the breadcrumbs. Being on a product page, the breadcrumbs shows the product path, which contain the productcategories. So the redirection plugin brings the visitor to the right page when the visitors clicks on the breadcrumbs.
    But now I experience that evertytim a change a slug, the visitor will be redirect to the old place, resulting in a 404.
    On settings I have chosen at URL control Don’t controle. and uncheck the COntrole new posts.
    I just want to redirect only THAT pages I manually set on Redirects.
    Because the only way now to get it right is to deactivate redirection and clear all the redirect and start all over again.
    That would not be such a big problem if I could export all the wanted redirections and imported them again with one ore 2 clicks. But now I have to add all the redirections again manually and since it will be more in the time, that is not an option.

    Hope you can help out.
    URL https://staging.bertplantagie.com


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