Erik’s latest fix worked for me and reduced space between Smartcode info-box-row and privius/next element. But in the quick copy-paste the little class-dot “.” is forgotten ?? . It goes like this:
.info-box-row {
margin: 5px 0px 0px !important;
Mr. Reusedvintagestore:
Even if you have already tryed this, I alsow wonder about som of your “html” code:
In top of the section where you have put your long text – just before the text itself – it starts with a “extra” set of info-box-row-97 + clearfix, look here between my ***’s:
<div id="info-box-row-33" class="info-box-row clearfix">
*** <div id="info-box-row-97" class="info-box-row clearfix"></div>
<div class="clearfix"></div> ***
Vintage clothing store – On R E U S E D vintage clothing you can find the best brands like Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Burberry, Valentino, Alaia, Moschino, Versace, Giorgio Armani and many more. REUSED is a site that shares .... ...</div>
At some point in time you may have started adding an ShortCode, but not finished it or removed it compleatly – and now it just making a extra empty space…
Check your page texteditor (both “Visual” and “HTML”) to see if you can remove all bewteen my ***’s
Hope you could understand my bad English.. ??