Hi, @josecn.
?Glad you reached out. I can help you edit the font size.
This is a result of your site’s CSS (styling) being a bit too opinionated.
We try our best to “stay in our lane” with Give’s CSS, and let the theme do the bulk of the work of styling. Every now and then, depending on the theme, it means we got a little too “out of the way.”
Here’s a short CSS snippet that will resolve your issue:
.give-goal-progress .income {
font-size: 1rem;
If you need assistance implementing custom CSS on your WordPress website, we have this guide for you:
Please note that this code snippet is provided as an example of how you can extend GiveWP with code. It’s up to you to implement and customize to your liking. We cannot provide support for custom code on your website, only the code that we create and distribute.
Thanks for using GiveWP! Have a great day.